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    My bunnies

    Yes..Aspen does look like a chocolate bunny! She is such a sweet bun too! Thank you for the warm welcomes! I will keep you all updated with Holly's search for a Husbun!
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    My bunnies

    Thank you for the kind comments! btw...Holly is a Mini-lop.
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    My bunnies

    I'm happy to have Crumpet back too! He had a strange way of coming back, but he deffinitely belongs here! Both of the Californians are ill right now, so they aren't adoptable.But, there is a lovely White New Zealand I have my eye on. We'll seehow it works out!
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    CrystalBalls Babies

    Your buns are lovely! Bandits set-up looks great too!
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    My bunnies

    I thought I would give them their own formal introduction. This also gives me a way to keep everyone updated about the all. First Aspen: She was a pet shop bun (before I knew about rescuing). Shehas never been a snuggly bun and after 3 years she is finally askingfor nose rubs:biggrin:My friend...
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    Oberon! He is such a lovely bun! Good luck bonding him with your girlies!
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    NEW MEMBERS (Feb. 2006 - Jan. 2007) CLOSED

    Thanks for the welcome. It is strange gettingresponded to so quickly. I also belong to RU, which is British based,so everyone is always asleep when I make posts there! And the bunnies say thank you for all of the lovely compliments:D
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    NEW MEMBERS (Feb. 2006 - Jan. 2007) CLOSED

    Hi! I'm new to the forum so I wanted to say a formal hello. My name isBrandon and I currently have 4 buns. Holly is a mini lop and my otherthree (Ahlee, aspen, and Crumpet) are nethies. I am hopefully adoptinga fifth bun as a partner for Holly next week. Aspen is my first bun.About 2years ago...
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    Harper is going insane over the Petco ball...

    My nethies have one of those, and so does Holly.They all love them! They chuck them around when they are upset, andthey roll them to play with. It's so cute!