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  1. B

    UPDATE on Rescued Bunny

    Lucky bunny to be with you now! the end of thatstory makes me happy. I can't believe how awful some people are.bunnies are so beautiful and innocent.
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    Hazel vol. II

    So Hazel's face looked all puffy tonight when Iwas patting her. I went to give her a treat and she didn't want it,which is bizarre. But I guess then the desire for the treat took overand I found out why her face looked puffy - she spit out a whole lot of fur - the equivalent to a very large...
  3. B

    Bringing my baby into Australia???

    cheryl13 wrote: Awwww, thank you. :bunnydance: I know that my one of my friends will treat her wonderfully, but I will miss her so much. The picture is a good idea! you are right about stressing her too, I wouldn't want to do that to my little bun. *Angie*
  4. B

    Hazel is acting very strange

    Thanks for the post again, Pipp! I want to spayHazel as soon as I can, she doesn't seem to be enjoying herself toomuch these days, poor bun. I hope Zeke is back to normal soon, sparklyyy, how is he? Hazel hasn't been pulling any fur out. But she's still behaving in away that's really...
  5. B

    My new cage!

    Awwwwww!!! What a sweet bunny Spotch is! :bunnydance:
  6. B

    Funniest thing your bunny has done :P

    My Hazel is such a piggy! When I come back fromwork or school to feed her she shoves her whole head and front pawsinto her dish. The Binkies and sponateous jumping and running always make me laugh and smile. The other day I was studying with Hazel on my lap, I was eating someCookie Crisp...
  7. B

    Hazel is acting very strange

    Thanks for the input so far you guys! She's not fixed yet, actually, but I'm planning to fix her this summer when I get enough cash. sparklyyy, well you know I feel your pain! It's so weird, I've hadHazel for a year and she used to love it when I'd play with her, evenin the cage. And Zeke is...
  8. B

    Hazel is acting very strange

    My bun Hazel has begun to act very oddly. She is just over a year old, and has always been the most affectionate of rabbits. The past few days she has been fairly hostile when in her cage. If Iput my hand inside she grunts and charges; She is also making thesestrange noises, especially when I...
  9. B

    Bringing my baby into Australia???

    Bassetluv wrote:
  10. B

    Please fellow rabbit lovers - tell me I?m not crazy

    You haven't lost your mind!!! I have to go at Australia for a year and I just found out that it willbe impossible to bring my bun and I am devastated. Everyone thought Iwasnuts for even making that a consideration, I was preparedto work overtime to pay the quarantine, vet and travel bills for...
  11. B

    Bringing my baby into Australia???

    Bassetluv, thank you so much for doing thatsearch. I emailed the New Zealand bihazard/quarantine people, and theygaveme an address where I could contact the AQIS forAustralian quarantine and imports. Unfortunately, because I'm from Canada I can't take Hazel into Australia. I'm really sad, but...
  12. B

    Bringing my baby into Australia???

    I'm from Canada, but Iwill bemoving to Perth, Australia for at least a year. I've tried to find information on bringing my bun with me, but I can'tseem to find anything!! I was told that rabbits are widely consideredas pests in Australia, and maybe they just don't want any more. I wentto a...