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  1. Marikristine

    Why did my bunny pass away? :(

    I am so sorry for your loss 😢
  2. Marikristine

    R.I.P. KUSH

    so sorry for your loss :'( rest in peace Kush <3
  3. Marikristine

    Goodbye my Banunu

    Thank you so much guys for all your sweet messages <3 I found a business who offers cremation services for pets, I sent him and now here he is with his urn, paw print, teeth and fur :) <3 and printed some of his pictures using my instax films. My partner calls this as Banunu's shrine :D
  4. Marikristine

    Goodbye my Banunu

    thank you <3
  5. Marikristine

    Goodbye my Banunu

    T Thank you <3
  6. Marikristine

    Goodbye my Banunu

    You are right. Its really hard to accept that they are only here with us only for a short time :( Thank you <3
  7. Marikristine

    Goodbye my Banunu

    Hi guys! I would like to share to everyone that my bunbun just died last sunday at our home. We went to the vet to have his molar trimmed last friday (who happened to be my birthday too)and to check his right side of his swollen face and bulgy eye. The vet removed two of his molars. Two days...
  8. Marikristine

    What's your bun's hair grooming brush?

    Hi! I'm curious on what hair grooming brush you all guys use for your bunnies :) Thanks!
  9. Marikristine

    White discharge on my bunny's eyes, what does this mean?

    Thank you for all of your responses! I'll get him checked :) <3
  10. Marikristine

    White discharge on my bunny's eyes, what does this mean?

    Here is my bun's picture :)
  11. Marikristine

    White discharge on my bunny's eyes, what does this mean?

    My bunny is turning 10 months old next month, he has watery eyes with white discharge. We have visited his vet and his molar has been trimmed but still has watery eyes with white discharge. What else to do? Anyone knows what this means? Is it an allergy? Thank you. Edit: also, everytime I come...
  12. Marikristine

    Any tricks/tips on how to encourage my rabbit to eat more hay

    He has unli access to hay. I am slowly trying to introduce him to timothy hay since he just turned 9mo last week. Also, he's into veggies which I am trying to limit.
  13. Marikristine

    Any tricks/tips on how to encourage my rabbit to eat more hay

    hi guys! i'd like to ask for any tips or tricks i can do to encourage my bunny to eat more hay. Thank you :)
  14. Marikristine

    My bunny's behavior

    Thank you! yours too!
  15. Marikristine

    My bunny's behavior

    I keep a bowl of water and hay whenever he goes to the bathroom to sleep. Currently, he's done with the antibiotics and he is taking LC vit already :) I'll buy him a cage right after this quarantine is over :) Thank you for your response :)
  16. Marikristine

    I cannot get my rabbit to take his medicine

    I had the same dilemma too! My bun has to take antibiotics for respiratory infection for 7 days, for the first 3 syringe feeds was successful and he seemed to like it but last night, he refuse to even lick the syringe. So I decided to mix it with his pellet. Glad to see this thread and learned...
  17. Marikristine

    Too many treats

    daily? was planning to give my bun gas drops too but I give him massage whenever I feel like his bloated.
  18. Marikristine

    Too many treats

    hi! how many times in a day do you give him gas drops?
  19. Marikristine

    A little weird...

    Noted on this. Thank you! <3