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  1. VioletRose

    How much time should we spend with our new bunny?

    Hello again! As far as I know, and I'm no expert, if he is leaving them it is possible that he is eating food that is too rich, as in nutrient dense, opposed to the hay/grass which is necessary for their gut health. When they eat food that is protein rich or nutrient dense they tend to leave...
  2. VioletRose

    Odd Behavior

    I suggest you start a savings fund for future emergencies for any of your rabbits so that you have the money when it is needed for vital care, hospital stays, x-rays, whatever. This is a MUST for any animal owners.
  3. VioletRose

    Rabbit Acting Strange (Chewing Everything)

    Can you borrow the money for the help necessary to discover what is going on? I'm going to be totally honest and you probably won't like it, but the medical needs of your dependent animal companion should be a top priority and I suggest starting a savings fund immediately or finding ways to do...
  4. VioletRose

    What color is this baby rabbit, please?

    Oh my heart! So cute.
  5. VioletRose

    cord protectors

    I use hard square plastic cord covers that clips together. I used a saw to cut it to sizes I needed. I do hang my cords as well, up high on the wall, so that the cords and cover are vertical. These are wide so bunny mouths, so far, have not even been tempted. I use the wrap cords, plastic...
  6. VioletRose

    Sigh... What breed is my bunny?

    It's a shame poor mum has to endure crouching on cage bottom wires with not padding. A sure way to get sore hocks and just be plain uncomfrotable.
  7. VioletRose

    Yummy treats

    My bun loves dried organic dandelion root. Sprinkle on hay or hide as treats to forage. Perfectly safe and delicious to bunnies. Usually stocked by health food stores.
  8. VioletRose

    I can't anymore

    I totally agree with JBun. Sometimes we humans want, need, too much. Rabbits are not naturally cut out to provide the kind of affection that cats and dogs can. My bun is super independent and often quite a snob. It took me some time to understand that the reward for my care, love and attention...
  9. VioletRose

    Timid Bunnies

    Rabbits are big on respect, especially the alpha or boss rabbit. If you ask him if it is ok to pet him, by placing your hand (slowly) at the side of his head, where he can see most easily (they have a hugh blind spot directly in front, due to placement of their eyes) and wait. If he puts his...
  10. VioletRose

    How do I get rid of the smell!!?

    I have a house rabbit, completely free ranging. He only 'toilets' in his litter box and I have never had any smell problems. I do clean it out every day though, which I think is the way to go for a sweet smelling house and happy bunny. I use a base layer of 100% recycled paper pellets and a...
  11. VioletRose

    Suggestions? Bunny doesn't like to be pet??? FRUSTRATED

    All bunnies are different and have their own personalities and special ways about them. Many many rabbits do not enjoy being fussed over, petted unless they ask for it (head down, ears flat etc), most hate being picked up etc. My bunny enjoys a good pet, but on his terms. I learnt very early on...
  12. VioletRose

    Which pellets should I buy for my rabbit ( 1 y.o )

    I use Oxbow as well. It seems the healthiest option out there. So many unecessary and unhealthy additives in many pellets, like corn, way to many sweeteners (very bad for gut health) and weird unidentifiable bits. For my adult bunny I get the adult rabbit pellets, which are mostly composed of...
  13. VioletRose


    Hello! He is such a cutie pie! Love his colouring.
  14. VioletRose

    New to this whole thing and her poop is so soft.

    It's great you have found a good vet. That can be difficult sometimes, not all vets are familiar with rabbits. Glad she is feeling better.
  15. VioletRose

    New to this whole thing and her poop is so soft.
  16. VioletRose

    New to this whole thing and her poop is so soft.

    Hello! I have been watching your journey with your little bunny with interest! I'm glad you are feeling happier about her and it! You are doing well. Just a few tips, she doesn't need a high protein diet so much, more of a high fibre one, so the hay is great and glad you could source it for her...
  17. VioletRose

    Excess Cecotropes When Fed Fresh Veggies!

    Such great info above! Also, you could weigh her and check that against the approx weight she should be for her age.
  18. VioletRose

    How much time should we spend with our new bunny?

    Hello! It is perfectly normal and necessary that buns eat their poops, which are a special kind of poop called cecal poops. They are partly digested foods that then get re-digested so that the bunny gets the most nutrition possible from it. Bunnies eat low nutrient high fibre foods like grasses...
  19. VioletRose

    Stomach sounds

    I found the direct quote that I came across awhile back The Bunny Guyon February 7, 2015 at 9:20 am said: You should hear gentle gurgling inside your bunny’s tummy all the time. Their guts are in constant motion and if you put your ear to their stomachs, you will hear what I mean. If you...