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  1. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    okay, we'll back off then. should we just try to scoot her to her cage if we need to put her in then?
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    New F1 Lionhead litter!!

    Sounds interesting! I can't wait to see them!
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    New to the Bunny Club!

    Thanks. We'll keep trying :) Any suggestions onhow to keep her under control while holding her? We've tried holdingher shoulders, covering her eyes--but she seems to just wriggle rightout...
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    New to the Bunny Club!

    yah we've been having to watch her with the carpet.. she's been trying to chew it and dig it up. This morning we got up bright and early because we thought she mightwant to play for a bit. She ran around for about 10 minutes (she wasnot interested in playing with us, but went exploring) and...
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    what killed my bunny?

    Oh no! That's just awful! *cries* *big hugs and lots of love*
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    New to the Bunny Club!

    We're going to the local hardware store to buysome tubing tomorrow... we have been hiding wires and keeping a veryclose eye on her while she's been out of her cage.
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    New to the Bunny Club!

    yah we made/bought her some toys today... 1. stuffed a plastic cat toys (rattle ball) with straw so it was quieter and more fun. 2. stuffed a toilet paper roll with straw (she liked this one best..we saw her flailing it around in her mouth several times!) 3.we also bought a colorful bird toy...
  8. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    We just put Freya to bed :) She seems worn out, and we are too! She is sleeping out in the living room. Will she be okay out there byherself? Will she get lonely or can she entertain herself while we areasleep? I'm sorry if it sounds silly, but I'm just one of those peoplethat worry TOO...
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    New to the Bunny Club!

    Thank you! Everyone is so nice here! Hugs!! :)
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    How to Clean Poop Out of Fur

    We tried swaddling her, but she just freaks outand starts to bolt when we try to pick her up. Maybe in a couple ofdays she'll be ready :)
  11. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    I'm just glad I have my husband around to help.I think Freya has more energy than I do at the moment. I'm almost readyto go to bed, and it's only 6:42 pm! I don't have muchstamina being injured and all. I'm thinking that she will help me gainback my strength!
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    Best Rabbit Food?

    Thanks a lot! I will look into these brands :)
  13. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    Thanks! Nice to meet yah!
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    How to Clean Poop Out of Fur

    It's not diarrhea , it's just littlepellets stuck on her backside.. she did a few hops earlier and flungmost of them off. I guess it was bugging her!:P
  15. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    Oh my god! That's hilarious! There is definitely some attitude surfacing with Freya tonight! It's sofun to watch her! Now she's resting again...I'm just wondering ifshe'll be back out and playing in 30 minutes! :shock: As for pictures, my digicam is broken and my webcam is acting really weird...
  16. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    lol Freya seems to be quite energetic! I've heard that bunnies sleep duringthe daytime, but she's very active! After a 20 minute nap/rest, she'sback out and playing with a little obstacle course (cardboard pieces,toys, and plastic bowls).
  17. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    yay! :)
  18. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    Yah, that's exactly what she's been doing! I didn't know what to think! We were worried she might have some mental issues! LOL
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    New to the Bunny Club!

    A binky? What's that? LOL :)
  20. U

    New to the Bunny Club!

    We've been leaving Freya with her cage door openwhile in the room, hoping she'll come to check things out. She's beenhopping in and out of the cage. Just within the past hour, she startedhopping randomly around her cage and on the carpet (in and out)--thennibbling on the edge of her cage. She...