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  1. M

    15 month old Big Bunny's spay surgery was cancelled due to concerns of her breathing?

    have she had x-ray and blood test to confirm that her sneeze and heavy breath are not caused by respiratory infection?
  2. M

    Sneezing not responding to treatment

    i had the same problem when i first got my second bun from the breeder back in 2017. he had three types of antibiotics but none of them worked. then I searched online and it said echinacea help. you might want to do some research on that, and more importantly, your bun needs to gain some weight...
  3. M

    Is tap water truly safe for rabbits? What type of water does your bunnies drink?

    I give my buns filter water from our 7 stage reverse osmosis system, and this is what we drink as well
  4. M

    Should I still give Revolution even if vet isn't 100% sure of diagnosis?

    my bun had some lumps on the tip of her ears for two years (I thought it was normal but when I got my 2nd bun I notice it's not) and the vet didn't find any mites on her but still gave her revolution just in case. she weighs 2.57 kg and I didn't use the whole tube on her. the vet suggested use...
  5. M

    Bunny friend

    yes, breed doesn't matter, and getting a girl for your boy is a good idea too!!
  6. M

    Help me figure out why my rabbits are STILL producing excess cecotropes

    I think the 2nd cut hay may be the problem. Maybe you could try 1st cut since 2nd cut is more nutritious? And reduce the amount of pellets? each of my buns eats 2 tablespoons of pellets per day. don't you give veggies to your buns?
  7. M

    Behaviour while I am cleaning cage?

    my boy always get in the way while i clean their cage or the floor or whatever. i thought he was curious. and my girl doesn't care at all, she sits aside quietly and watch me cleaning and the boy bothering me
  8. M

    No Binkies?

    my 3 year old girl still do a little binkies when she sees me walk down the stairs in the morning, she knows it's breakfast time and excited about it :) and my 1 year old boy binkies sometimes in the cold morning.
  9. M

    Best hay recommendation for this particular moment in US ?

    you mean what breeds are my buns? one is mini lop weighs 5.67 lbs and the other is holland lop weighs 3.2 lbs, they consume equal amount of hays everyday. 25 lbs of hays included waste >:)
  10. M

    Bunny dropping brown liquid !

    one of my bun has the same issue for months so i have done a lot of research on ISC so far. she was seen 2 months ago and did a blood test and x-ray to see if it was caused by non-diet related problems. I wound suggest you to do a blood test and x-ray and probably urinalysis if changing his diet...
  11. M

    Best hay recommendation for this particular moment in US ?

    my buns eat american pet diner 1st cut well. their hay box always come with some brown hays but i rarely find plants other than timothy hays in it. and their hays are pretty green since last month, always smell good of course. i have 2 buns and they consume at least 25 lbs per month
  12. M

    Possible bunny with E coniculi

    a blood test will tell you whether your bun has e. cuniculi infection or not. many rabbits carry this germ and live happily with it unless the rabbit's immune system becomes weak.
  13. M

    Safe food?

    if you worry, you can switch to other brands of rabbit food.
  14. M

    Chronic rhintis due to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

    my little bun sneezed a lot and had running nose in August 2017. His blood test result confirmed that he has chronic infection with elevated WBC. The vets gave him enrofloxacin and other antibiotics but both didn't work well. He was very thin at that time. So I gave him more pellets, sherwood's...
  15. M

    Dead mouse in Oxbow hay? Any concerns?

    Seems like I am not alone... recently I found a big dry dead moth in my oat hay from oxbow, and a living yellow jacket in timothy hay from american pet diner... I got stung by the yellow jacket in hand and it hurt like crazy :( but your case is the worse. please throw away those hays. rats...
  16. M

    Rabbit gassy everyday

    my vet said the use of metacam can damage kidney function in dehydrated buns. if your bun doesn't drink enough water because of GI gas, i think metacam is not a good medicine for him. timothy hay mixed with dandelion and marigold tastes better, but plain timothy hay or oat hay is a better choice...
  17. M

    Rabbit gassy everyday

    would it be the hay? what kind and brand of hay do you offer? My bun had several episode of GI gas before, but it was caused by the Science Selective food. I gave her fiber plus and she still had the same issue. I changed to oxbow and she's very well from then on. also the hay matters too!! my...
  18. M

    GI stasis after chewing an electrical cord

    thank you so much for your suggestion!! I saw him thru the camera, he was eating hay! His poops are still small, i hope he will get back to his normal self soon :) my other bun went thru GI stasis last year. She ate and pooped normally the next day after she got her subcutaneous fluid and...
  19. M

    GI stasis after chewing an electrical cord

    My little boy was diagnosed with GI stasis on 3/1 and hospitalized for 2 days. The vet said his stomach was distended with dehydrated food. He had subcutaneous fluids multiple times and had enema on 3/2 because he didn't pass any poop. The vet said he had slow heart beats and high liver and...
  20. M

    Do you feed your rabbits Romaine Lettuce? E-Coli outbreak

    i rarely give my buns romaine lettuce. but now i feel like all lettuces are not safe to buns so i switch to A choy which i can find in chinese markets. also offer dandelion, spinach, cucumber, carrot tops, kale, celery alternatively. my buns love all kinds of veggies :)