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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. K

    Cute bun pics

    What kind of rabbit is blue barry? I love him!
  2. K

    Living situation

    I didn't know it would be this difficult.. so I still have to neuter them if they all live seperately? I guess I'm just going to seperate them all. I checked their gender again and I'm pretty sure they are all male.
  3. K

    Living situation

    Thanks for all of the info.. Sorry for all of the questions but can rabbits live alone? I have three so should I seperate one and let two bond and find the other one a new partner? Or is it ok to leave them alone?
  4. K

    Living situation

    ok so I couldn't house them if they weren't neutered? For example if two are females could I get the male neutered and house him with one intact female? and then get another neutered male for the other female?
  5. K

    Living situation

    Thanks for your reply! What if two are female? Will a male go crazy for a female in the same room?
  6. K

    Living situation

    I'm a new owner and I have NEVER owned rabbits before. I went to a petstore to pick up some supplies for my rats and fell in love with three baby boys. The man that ran the pet store told me he's owned many rabbits and was very experienced. He said all three boys would be fine living together...
  7. K

    New rabbit owner from ON, Canada

    Hi everyone :) I'm from Toronto Ontario and new to rabbits. I joined this forum to learn some more about my new pets. :)