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  1. K

    Bun ate cardboard with a lot of eating and pooping less

    You probably want to start your own thread for this, but what kind of wood shavings are you using? If they are pine or cedar shavings, these are dangerous for rabbits and shouldn't be used. They hurt the rabbit's liver. A good kind of litter to buy is recycled paper litter, like CareFresh.
  2. K

    How Long until Happy Cuddles?

    Oh yeah, my rabbit is obsessed with me if I have a treat in my hand (or he thinks it's time for a feeding) as in climbing all over me and licking, but other than that I am pretty much chopped-liver. That's what makes me think he isn't scared of me, but just doesn't really care to be pet. He does...
  3. K

    How Long until Happy Cuddles?

    My rabbit sounds the same as yours...I found neutering actually did not help him get any friendlier. He was never aggressive, before or after the surgery, but he paid more attention to us pre-neueter (that being said, I'm not saying anyone should not neuter their rabbit. Just that it might not...
  4. K

    Un-bonded Rabbits: Can They Still "See" Each Other?

    I have a male and female rabbit, both fixed. In September, a rabbit rescue helped me bond them successfully. Only took a few days, and there was 0 aggression, just some humping. My first bun, Hugo, was over the moon. He has never been into interacting with humans (he isn not scared at all...
  5. K

    Bun ate cardboard with a lot of eating and pooping less

    I recently moved homes, and in the move my rabbit's little wooden 'house' was broken. I've ordered a new one, but unbeknownst to me, my husband put a wine box in her cage yesterday evening. It is corrugated cardboard, totally covered with green ink. I came to see her this morning and it looks...
  6. K

    Weird 'Balloon' poops from young bunny?

    So today and yesterday I started noticing these weirdly shaped poops from my bunny(picture attached). They are sort of oval shaped, and have almost a little string, or protrusion, coming from them. He has been doing these poops a lot today. He is only 9 weeks old, so is on a pellets and hay...
  7. K

    Bunny Ate String!

    Thank you for your reply! This morning he is eating and running around like a maniac. I tried to get him to drink from a bowl, but his ear fell in and he freaked out haha. He is pooping...not as much as usual, but he seems ok. Thanks :biggrin2:
  8. K

    Bunny Ate String!

    I have an 8 week old mini lop, and just caught him eating a piece of string...could have been anywhere from 4 to 8 inches long. I believe it is cotton. I know this could potentially kill him...does anyone know how long this would take to pass, if it just went through his digestive tract? Not...