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  1. greenxfairy

    Questions about breeding

    Okay thank you... I've got 2 runts, or one may or may not be a peanut. His ears and legs look fine, but his skin is all wrinkly even after I let him do a supplemental feeding for like 3 mins. His stomach got a bit bigger and he looks fine from above but it was still really wrinkly below. Sorry...
  2. greenxfairy

    Questions about breeding

    Hi all :) Happy new year and a belated Merry X'mas! She gave birth to 4 live kits this morning! They all seem healthy, though one is a little smaller than the others and I worry it may be a runt... it's not MUCH smaller though so maybe its just me being paranoid. I tried to look at their...
  3. greenxfairy

    Questions about breeding

    Thanks everyone for the replies :) she didn't get pregnant from the first breeding and I read online that apple cider vinegar helps get them in the mood? So I tried putting a drop into her water and it worked!! She stopped acting aggressive towards the male and let him breed her :) I let him...
  4. greenxfairy

    Questions about breeding

    Thanks for the quick replies! I tried the table breeding thing but he wouldn't approach the doe when my hands were there. I've heard that babies can die if they hit a "wiring" on the cage floor in certain hutches etc. I was wondering, it's not cold where I live about 50 degrees F usually and...
  5. greenxfairy

    Questions about breeding

    I have two holland lops, the doe is 11 months old and the buck is 10 months old. I've been trying to breed them for about three weeks and the doe doesn't accept the buck. At first she would mount him and hump him, then she lunges at him and sometimes tries to bite him. Even when he mounts her...