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  1. E

    Points on molars

    ^ agree with everything said here. My rabbit recently got the points shaved off his teeth and the vet was fairly certain it will happen again but not sure how often. it could happen only every 2 years or could be every 6 months so you definitely need to keep a close eye on it. You can watch...
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    Tired rabbit with possible digestive problem - anyone know?

    Thank you both so much. Good news - I've just received word that she's walking around and eating pellets by herself so while she's not in the clear yet, things are looking good.
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    Tired rabbit with possible digestive problem - anyone know?

    Thank you, If she isn't GI statis, would giving her simethicone be harmful to her? She usually eats grass and pellets and since the sickness she's been getting a water/pellet mix syringed and a very small amount of carrot and apple peal just because she was willing to take it. I'm afraid I...
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    Bunny Poop

    I had the exact same problem recently and because of poor vet recommendations I did everything from antibiotics to hay changes to diet food and so on to correct it without any result. Then my wonderful rabbit savvy local pet shop owner told me to simply give him this hydrating, electrolyte...
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    Tired rabbit with possible digestive problem - anyone know?

    I have a female 3.5year old rabbit who has been lying down almost constantly for 2 days. She went from absolutely normal to refusing to sit up or walk within a few hours. She then stopped eating for a day. The vet could find no signs of illness or usual problems and thought it could possibly be...
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    Rabbit diarrhoea (advise needed)

    Thank you so much. This is really putting my mind more at ease. Just one more question if you have a moment. I've read online that if he continues to have a messy tail area that I should bath him to avoid flies laying eggs in his fur and other unhygienic things. I know they have rabbit shampoo...
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    Rabbit diarrhoea (advise needed)

    No the vet didn't do a fecal check when we saw him. Just a general check including teeth, weight, temperature and everything was normal. He wasn't checked for coccidiosis but the vet said the sample I bring in this week will have to be sent off somewhere to be checked. His normal food is the...
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    Rabbit diarrhoea (advise needed)

    My rabbit, Philip, is an 18month old, male, lop-eared rabbit who lives indoors and eats adult excel rabbit food pellets, hay and water. 3 weeks ago he unexplainably stopped eating his cecotropes and so I encouraged him to eat more hay, with no change resulting. 12 days ago I noticed he had...
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    Not eating cecotropes & unusual urination

    My pet rabbit Philip is 2 years old. Following a very active day, he slept most of yesterday as expected. Unusually, he urinated close to where he was sleeping rather than in his hutch/toilet. Last night he left two large cecotropes outside of his hutch. He is eating/drinking normally but is...