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  1. HomeworkCrazy

    Dolly still chewing her hutch!

    lots of wooden toys! lots of hay... i also notice if my rabbits have an unlimited amount of hay, they do less chewing on wood because they're too preoccupied eating their hay... also, try spraying vinegar on the wood... vinegar is a pet-safe cleaning product and i have done this before with my...
  2. HomeworkCrazy

    First time bunny please?

    HANDLING with a young bun i'd be sure to get him/her used to be picked up and handled a lot or else she will be very antisocial when she is older. Be careful when picking her up and about her struggling. Some rabbits can kick themselves "silly" DIET a good quality pellet is key. I would aim for...
  3. HomeworkCrazy

    An older or a younger bunny?

    I would personally go for a year old rabbit or so. I have found that young rabbits (4-6 months) go through a behavioral stage and are hard to handle and will go through this stage where they are nippy. I had several that were like that. About a year was right for me because they are past all...
  4. HomeworkCrazy

    Licky licky bunbun

    I believe it is a true bunny-bonding behavior. Most of my rabbits have done it shortly after i got them also... even as soon as 2 weeks after bringing them home. but they also may be because they're spoiled rotten :P
  5. HomeworkCrazy


    I recently got an angora of which i rescued. He came to me with mats, a long tooth, and fleas. He has seen a vet and had his teeth trimmed and been checked over. I mentioned the dandruff-looking stuff and they said it was probably just dry skin. The people who had him before me shaved him bald...
  6. HomeworkCrazy

    Post here for digital art of your bunny! ** Submissions Closed **

    I would love to have a picture of some sort of my precious Archibald. I am looking for a cartoonistic idea for a tatt in the future. He was a beautiful Lionhead with a light brown body, darker brown nose and socked feet, greyish ears, and white padded feet. He was about 16 years old when i put...
  7. HomeworkCrazy

    Permanent Rabbit Run outdoors

    I would invest in a huge run (maybe 5ft. L 5ft. W and maybe 6ft T or so plus an extra foot down in the soil) chain link should be good but depends on your rabbits age and size because I notice my littlest can wiggle thru a wide chain link. Plus a roof of some sort (a tarp or wooden sort?) You...
  8. HomeworkCrazy

    Alfalfa or Timothy

    As far as I know most pellets are Timothy Hay-based. Mine eat Timothy-based just fine but maybe alfalfa-based is what yours ate previously. You could try mixing alfalfa and Timothy pellets together as I have done that before and gradually switched it to all Timothy. I usually feed all my buns a...
  9. HomeworkCrazy

    Can rabbits eat bananas?

    God of course lol all 4 of mine love bananas!
  10. HomeworkCrazy


    Iceberg lettuce is no good, even in small amounts it gives my bunnies digestive upsets. Never tried romaine or red lettuce so not too sure on that but a substitute can be fresh parsley, spinach (although mine don't care for it too much), radish tops, carrot tops, cucumber leaves, kale (mine love...
  11. HomeworkCrazy


    she is a female white lop. she is about 5 yrs old. somebody dumped her on our doorstep in a box
  12. HomeworkCrazy


    I have had 5 different rabbits in my lifetime. One was a special needs intact Lionhead. He was 15 years old when i got him and he lived to be 16 and a half in my care. He licked when you scratched his ears or his back. Another is a male intact cinnamon mix. He is about 3 yrs old. He licks...
  13. HomeworkCrazy


    i'm from Nebraska too! i've had four different rabbits in my life. all who were my life! :) am from York
  14. HomeworkCrazy


    Punky was a Christmas present to me. He came with a nice cage and has a very unique personality. licks to show love and affection. can tell when his owner is moody. has a very "silly" way. is quite the comedian
  15. HomeworkCrazy


    Archie is a 16 year old Lionhead mix. He is special needs with a crippled foot and arthritis but doesn't have too much trouble with mobility. he has quite the personality