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  1. M

    Newborn kit dragging legs

    There's no inflammation and it seems to be moving around without it hurting. It also seems to be urinating and defecating just fine. Awesome links! Thank you!
  2. M

    Newborn kit dragging legs

    Hi there! Well, I got a bit of a surprise this past week. I brought home two new Flemish Giant / NZ mix bunnies that I purchased at a farm swap. Both were thin and looked like they were a bit beat up with bite marks and scratches. I felt bad for them and brought them home with me...
  3. M

    Issues with Buck

    They are not at all related. We have tried the buck with the same female twice and both litters have died. The doe has been breed twice with other bucks and has been a great mother to those litters. The babies seem to come out fine, but only live about a week. She doesn't reject...
  4. M

    Issues with Buck

    I am fairly new to bunnies and we have only had three litters so far. All the babies from one of my bucks die. The other liters have been fine with strong babies that grow up to be great pets, but there is something with this one buck. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before? Both...