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  1. G

    Wood shavings

    We use the recycled newspaper litter, it is in pellet form. Fresh 4 Life is the brand we have here. It works pretty well. I find we can't really scoop it though because the pieces of litter are bigger than the pieces of poop. But it seems to keep the odor down, as friends have told us that they...
  2. G

    Hello from Kentucky!

    Ahh that's the best! I love it when my Mr. Bunnerson binkies! Welcome! It sounds like your bunnies found a good home. Good for you for rescuing Vinny.
  3. G

    First time poster and bunny owner

    I just googled Jersey Wooley, and some of them are just little fluff balls!! Made me laugh. They are pretty darn cute!
  4. G

    Bunny food

    I'm no bunny expert, but those were the same thoughts I had when I saw it. It looks interesting, but oh so unhealthy.
  5. G

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but....

    Thanks for the ideas. Neutering may be the way to go. He usually uses his litter, so I'm not sure that it is an issue of him being naughty and not using it. I think it's the territorial thing, especially because it's mostly at the front door. It doesn't bother me so much, we can vacuum it up...
  6. G

    Bunny food

    I know this tends to be a touchy topic, but I was wondering what thoughts are out there on something that I saw at the store today. I saw "Gourmet" rabbit food that had corn and seeds as well as pellets. I'm not sure what else was in it as I didn't look at the ingredients (I should have because...
  7. G

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but....

    We've had him for just over 2 months. I noticed last night that he didn't leave nearly as much poo, but I'm not getting my hopes up lol
  8. G

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but....

    Yes, sorry. I should have made myself more clear. It's not the neutering itself that is dangerous, but being put under that is the dangerous part. Because the pooping seems to be the only issue with him being intact, I'd rather not put him through a surgery if there are things I can do that...
  9. G

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but....

    is there any way to stop the territorial pooping? My bunny is an intact male. I'm not positive on his age because he was given to me as an already mature bunny. I've been told that he is around 1 1/2 to 2 years old. If he is 2 or older, from what I've read, it could be dangerous to have him...
  10. G

    First time poster and bunny owner

    Thanks for the welcome :) I certainly think he's adorable. These aren't the greatest pictures. The better ones are on my husbands computer lol
  11. G

    First time poster and bunny owner

    My name is Gabbi. I am a first time bunny owner of a super cute Hotot dwarf rabbit. His name is George Hopper Bunnerson, but he gets called a variety of names. Sometimes he is just called Rabbit. He has been part of our family for over two months now. I do have a few questions, but I'll leave it...