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  1. T

    Runny tummy - please help!

    You might want to stop giving pellets as well. Just hay, probiotics and water for now.
  2. T

    Baby bunny - Sick ?

    What do you feed her?
  3. T

    Help! very sick bunny, not eating, bloody stool?

    There's no way she would get bloody stool from eating timothy hay. Are you sure your vet knows rabbit issues?
  4. T

    Help! very sick bunny, not eating, bloody stool?

    Until you can get her to the vet you should make her drink as much as possible. Give luke warm water from syringe several times an hour if she doesn't keep drinking on her own. It's very important since her stool is so liquid. Poor little bunny, she is very ill. I really hope she pulls through.
  5. T

    Bunny started cooing while eating

    Sarah, now that you mentioned, I think my Minna is also making the noise when she's grooming her back or bottom. I kind of find it hard to believe it's just a happy bunny noise because Minna isn't that grazy about her food and I doubt grooming wouldn't make her that happy.
  6. T

    My new bunny and her sneezing...

    Is there any discharge from her nose or eyes? Discharge from nose can get stuck under the nose if it's thick. Fungal infections, mites and a few other things can also make skin crusty in nasal area. Sometimes bunnies start sneezing when they are moved from outdoors to indoors. It's because the...
  7. T

    Bunny started cooing while eating

    My 1 year old female bunny Minna started making weird cooing like noises when eating. It's like in this video: (the video isn't mine) She's otherwise perfectly fine and she's never had any health issues but I know there have been many respiratory...
  8. T

    Worried about breathing issues :/

    This is just a thought but I wonder if discomfort from gas could make bunny breathe a little bit superficially just like us humans?
  9. T

    Grunting/Noisy breathing

    I'm so sorry fo your loss. It might have been pneumonia. My first bunny also started to suddenly have noisy breathing and she passed very soon after, even though she was put on antibiotics almost right away. Vet said it was pneumonia.
  10. T

    Grunting/Noisy breathing

    Sounds like upper or lower respiratory infection. You need to get him to the vet as soon as possible because his condition can get worse very rapidly. Good luck.
  11. T

    Bunny has noisy breathing and sneezing, even after several antibiotic attempts.....

    Some nebulizers are more noisy (pediatric ones are less) and some mist larger vapor "particles". I think best nebulizer is a quiet one that preferably mists small "particles".
  12. T

    Bunny has noisy breathing and sneezing, even after several antibiotic attempts.....

    I'm sorry to hear your bunny is ill. Perhaps you could try to tell your mom that giving up at this point would distract you even more than treating Lily. I know I could never forgive myself if I gave away a sick pet or didn't try everything possible before giving up (if the pet was still happy...
  13. T

    Does New Bunny Have a Problem? (Want to know before I bring her to the vet)

    Not eating normally, diarrhea and not moving around as much as usually - I'd take her to the vet.
  14. T

    Trip to the vet made things worse!

    How is his breathing now? I wonder if he could be having difficult time breathing normally if his nose is blocked and / or if he also has a lower respiratory infection. Perhaps sitting in a weird position helps? This is just a thought, though. I've never heard of anything similar.
  15. T

    GI Stasis Treatment?

    Have you read ? It's just one possibility but overgrown teeth roots can cause sneezing, runny eyes and pain so that bunny stops eating. It may not always be easy to see if the roots are overgrown.
  16. T

    GI Stasis Treatment?

    As far as I know allergies are very rare in rabbits so I would definitely ask vet about a possible infection. My vet said it's fairly common that sneezing rabbits become picky eaters, though I had never heard this before. But she's one of the best rabbit vets I know. Echinacea can be given...
  17. T

    New bunny might be sick

    Baytril pills might taste really bad so it may be difficult to get the bunny eat them willingly. I've had best luck with the following method. I take a small piece of banana (most bunnies go crazy over banana), carve a small hole into the piece, put the crushed pill in the hole and put a small...
  18. T

    GI Stasis Treatment?

    My bunny stopped eating hay when he was sneezing. He even looked as if he had difficult time swollowing specific food. He got different antibiotics and eventually started to eat normally after the sneezing got more occasional. He didn't have anything wrong with his teeth. His vet suggested that...
  19. T

    New bunny might be sick

    Is he sneezing? It could also be a fungal infection. I would get the poor guy to a vet asp. Good luck!
  20. T

    Badly infected toe, help!

    I've got some good and bad news. The toe seems to be getting better, although very slowly because the toe is still swollen. The nail is growing and doesn't feel loose. Tolstoi is using the toe almost normally now. The bad news is that Tolstoi started to sneeze again. I think I mentioned...