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  1. JBun

    Advice please, New bunny owner

    I would block off under the bed and dresser, and anywhere else he can crawl under and become territorial and avoid you. But do let him have a pen, cage, or other type of home base, that is still accessible by you when necessary, but that he can go to when he needs his space and not be bothered...
  2. JBun

    Cartrophen injections

    I have experience with the US version of it, Adequan. It's similar but not exactly the same thing. And I did continue giving my rabbit meloxicam while on the Adequan. But just briefly looking into cartrophen and meloxicam, it does seem to suggest it's not recommended due to how anti...
  3. JBun

    Meet Rayne!!!

    Moisture on the skin and the pus from the infection, can cause there to be some fur loss, which will start to grow back as the infection and discharge clears up. In my experience, it usually takes a few days of twice daily (minimum) application of the antibiotic eye ointment before there is...
  4. JBun

    Meet Rayne!!!

    Just be aware, sometimes the tissue around the eyeball can be so inflamed that it can make the eye appear sunken and that there isn't a normal eyeball when there actually is. I would approach treating this as if there is a functioning eyeball underneath the swollen eye tissue still. At least...
  5. JBun

    Meet Rayne!!!

    I've used terramycin ophthalmic ointment before. Farm stores like Tractor Supply, or even Amazon, have it. Everything else is usually prescription.
  6. JBun

    Rabbit not eating and pooping

    You weren't given a gut stimulant? It can sometimes take several days for a rabbit to get back to normal. You just have to keep up with the pain med, usually a gut stimulant, and the regular syringe and water feeds. But if your rabbit isn't showing any improvement in the next day or your...
  7. JBun


    Just make sure she continues eating and drinking normally until you get her seen by the vet tomorrow. If her condition deteriorates drastically before then, you may need to get her seen tonight by an emergency vet experienced with rabbits, if you have any near you.
  8. JBun

    Meet Rayne!!!

    It's a wonderful thing you've done to, not only notice this bunny had a problem, but also try to help it survive. It would be extremely unusual for a rabbit to be born without eyes, but of course still a possibility. The most likely thing going on, especially with you seeing moisture around...
  9. JBun

    Clump of poop

    Usually a clump of poop isn't necessarily an emergency if the rabbit is still producing normal round fecal balls as well, and the poop is immediately cleaned off (most particularly in warmer seasons) so the rabbit doesn't become at risk of developing flystrike. If the fecal balls aren't normal...
  10. JBun

    Head turn, not tilt

    When I syringe feed, I come through the corner of the mouth (the side) to get behind the front teeth. Then I'll sometimes wiggle the tip around in there a little, to try and stimulate tongue licking and chewing, which will usually be followed with swallowing as well. If that still doesn't get...
  11. JBun

    [RIP] Xiao Wu- trying to act normal but not okay

    That's wonderful to hear! Was the vet able to find out what the cause was or what is suspected, if not EC?
  12. JBun

    [RIP] Xiao Wu- trying to act normal but not okay

    I hope your bun is still doing alright this morning. And hopefully your vet can get to the bottom of what's going on. Best of wishes today as you go see the vet.
  13. JBun

    Stasis or bad mood? Please help!!!!

    Rabbits definitely can get upset and show they aren't happy with something we did. But usually they won't go more than a few hours before they're eating again. A rabbit that's mostly stopped eating for a prolonged period, then becomes a concern for being at risk of developing GI stasis. The...
  14. JBun

    [RIP] Xiao Wu- trying to act normal but not okay

    Just be aware that I'm only making a guess as to what might be a possible cause, and what I might do if faced with a similar situation. But not actually seeing first hand or having diagnostics to see what's going on internally, I can certainly be wrong as to the cause. I'll also add, I would...
  15. JBun

    [RIP] Xiao Wu- trying to act normal but not okay

    Several things could cause loss of balance or ataxia symptoms, but not as many will also cause confusion or blindness. If your rabbit is definitely showing this symptom as well, stroke or cardiac event would be the most likely cause (in my opinion). Or possibly ingestion of a toxin. More...
  16. JBun

    Any at home remedies for fur mites?

    Maybe for ear mites, with consistent and careful application. But not for fur mites. You'd have to coat the entire body with the oil to make sure it smothered all the mites, and do it for several weeks to get the eggs that hatch later. Not only would that make the fur a complete mess, but...
  17. JBun

    9 month update

    Flopping, circling, and oinking are definitely signs of trust and love. Yeah, sometimes it's just when they're really excited about food, but if that love and trust wasn't already there, no amount of treats could make it happen. You have a happy and content little bun there 🥰
  18. JBun

    Head turn, not tilt

    I hope your little guy will be alright 🙏 What were the vets findings, if you don't mind sharing?
  19. JBun

    Head turn, not tilt

    That looks more like the eye scanning rabbits with poor vision do when they're trying to get a better look at something. It's very common in red eyed rabbits. With an ear infection or painful eye condition, I'd expect more of a consistent head tilt and/or circling going on. Where the rabbit...
  20. JBun

    Seeking help to re-home two sweet spay and neutered rabbits

    I would suggest reposting parts of this (or all), with photos of the rabbits you're wanting to rehome, in the 'Rescue Me ' subforum.