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  1. S

    Growing herbs

    I am going to have to look into getting some then. Do you have to re plant these every year or does it just keep on coming back? My rabbits love just about everything so maybe it will save me a little growing my own things, just didn't know if they would keep growing or if you just get a tiny...
  2. S

    Growing herbs

    I currently have 5 rabbits and am spending right much buying herbs and lettuce and was wondering if there is anything I could grow that would keep on growing and not have been replanted every time?
  3. S

    Buying bale of orchard grass hay

    I have been feeding my rabbits oxbow orchard grass but with 5 rabbits it is getting expensive. I am curious when buying a bale how do you know if it is just orchard grass and not mixed with say fescue? I found someone that had 1st cut orchard grass for $4.50 a bale but wanted to know how to make...
  4. S

    Not wanting to eat veggies?

    Sammie does not seem to like to eat veggies at all. Does anyone else have a very picky rabbit and your rabbit have a favorite veggie? I have tried so many things with Sammie and I have yet to find something he loves, he will occasionally eat cilantro and parsley and watercress but that is about...
  5. S

    Will they like this?

    I tried this with Sammie when I first got him and he didn't like it at all. Also it was a pain in the butt to get the hay in. I actually got a over the counter door storage thing at TJMaxx for $4.99 and it has been working great!
  6. S

    Wood shavings safe???

    Anyone know if the wood fuel pellets from tractor supply are safe to use?
  7. S

    My New Angora

    I agree with I_heart_Fraggles. I have both a double maned lionhead and 2 angora's and Mocha for sure is a double maned lionhead. Most angora's have hair on their ear's (other than french angora's). She is a beautiful girl!
  8. S

    Need suggestions for NIC Cage layout for 2 angora's

    So I am planning on building my 2 angora's a NIC cage that is 2 grids wide by 3 grids long and 4 grids tall. They are only 6 months old and weigh 2.5 pounds each. I am trying to determine which layout would be better for them as far as shelves go. They like to stand on their back feet and...
  9. S

    Good quality pellets for cheaper price?

    Thanks I will probably just order the 20lb bag of Zupreem from Dr. Foster and Smith since my rabbits love the food. Also my local feed store doesn't carry oxbow so unfortunately that isn't an option :(
  10. S

    Best veggie to start with?

    Thanks everyone! My 2 newest girl's loved the romaine but Sammie isn't a big fan so will try something else for him.
  11. S

    cage possibly big enough for 2, 2.5 pound rabbits?

    Thanks everyone! I guess I will just build them a NIC cage then. What size do most of you have and how many boxes of storage cubes did you need to build it? (also 4 cube box or 6 cube box?) How do you get in to clean it? I just rescued my girls almost 2 weeks ago and they are not litterbox...
  12. S

    have a cage with a wood base and wood shelves?

    I know I have seen some pictures of several cages with wood bases and shelves but I can't seem to find them. Could you please post pictures of your cages if you have the wood bases and shelves. I am eventually going to build a NIC cage and wanted some ideas for a cage with wood bases and...
  13. S

    cage possibly big enough for 2, 2.5 pound rabbits?

    I know someone that is getting rid of a cage they were using for kittens and I was wondering if it might work for my 2 girls that only weigh around 2.5 pounds at 6 months old. This is just like the cage I thought if maybe I could build some...
  14. S

    Best veggie to start with?

    Is romaine lettuce a good veggie to start with? I have some big hearts of romaine leaves and didn't know if I should give them a whole leaf of it to start out with or just maybe half? Also should I just introduce 1 veggie a week or what would be best and what all veggies are the best to start with?
  15. S

    Good quality pellets for cheaper price?

    I have been feeding all of them timothy based pellets but i'm assuming all along I should have been feeding them alfalfa? They are all growing like crazy so I assumed since they seem to be doing good on timothy based pellets I shouldn't switch anything up but would they be better on alfalfa...
  16. S

    Good quality pellets for cheaper price?

    I am currently feeding my 5 rabbits Zupreem Natures Promise Timothy Naturals. All of my rabbits are young (2 Angora's I just rescued today are 6 months old, and 3 lionheads which are 5 months, 4 months and 3 months old). They are really going through some pellets and I am needing to find a...
  17. S

    pellets for bunnies under 6 months old?

    Thanks everyone! Also at this age pellets should be unlimited right? These babies are eating pellets like crazy! The 3 of them went through a 5 lb bag of pellets in like 2 weeks! I have been feeding them unlimited pellets and hay and you can sure tell they are growing :) Will try posting pics...
  18. S

    pellets for bunnies under 6 months old?

    I have 3 bunnies under 6 months old. One is 5 months old, another is estimated at 8 weeks old and the other is around 6 weeks old. I have been feeding them timothy hay based pellets (Zupreem) but just noticed it says it is for adult rabbits. Should I switch them all to alfalfa based pellets or...