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  1. Thatrous

    Clogged Anal Gland

    My rabbit seems to have on and off issues around her anal glands. Usually one will get a little red and gooey but will clean right up after a good butt bath and ointment. When she gets solid clogs they also clean up after a warm wash and a little patience. The other day I noticed she had a...
  2. Thatrous

    Bunny wont eat her pellets...

    Thanks everyone for such quick responses! I like everyone's suggestions and will give it a try starting with the unsweetened apple mist (I wonder if mixing unsweetened apple sauce in water would work? I have that in the house...) I'll stop giving her so many veggie treats too so that she will...
  3. Thatrous

    Bunny wont eat her pellets...

    Emmy's original owner was feeding her one of the rabbit foods with lots of little added things. I have been continuously seeing that those are no good and plain pellets are better but when I tried switching, Emmy just does not touch the pellets. Even when I tried doing a mix of old and new...
  4. Thatrous

    Can bunny eat bird treat sample?

    Alright, thanks guys. I guess no birdie nom-noms for Emmy. Maybe our resident Doves or Cardinal will enjoy them.
  5. Thatrous

    Can bunny eat bird treat sample?

    I recently got a small sample pack of Oven Fresh Bites bird treats with an order of bunny supplies I made online. I don't have a bird to give them to so I was wondering if they would be safe to feed my bunny. Here's what the label says: Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein min15% Crude Fat...
  6. Thatrous

    Resting in Litter Box?

    Thanks a lot everyone! She does look oh so comfy when she does it so i'm glad I don't have to disturb her!
  7. Thatrous

    Resting in Litter Box?

    Is this normal? Lately Emmy has taken to chillaxing in one of her litter boxes. (and sometimes makes a big ol' mess in doing so!) Is it fine to let her do this or should I try to redirect her back to her towel?
  8. Thatrous

    Recently diagnosed with celiacs disease...

    I recently went gluten free to get healthy and for a picky eater like myself it is surprisingly do-able. Stores like Trader Joe's and Whole foods have a pretty big selection for gluten free. I shop at Trader Joe's when I can and the stuff is relatively cheap there. Plus they give handy little...
  9. Thatrous

    Newbie needs to know the breed...

    There doesn't seem to be any blue in her eyes. And the white looks like a really sloppy 'V' slightly more to one side. And to add to her description I was looking more closely at her fur and I don't know if it makes a difference but from her shoulders down to her rear, closer to her roots is a...
  10. Thatrous

    Newbie needs to know the breed...

    Thank you everyone! I guess she's a Rex then! Anyone know what her color variation is? I'm curious because of the gray coming through. I really like it but can't match it up to anything i've read online.
  11. Thatrous

    Newbie needs to know the breed...

    I just got a rabbit from a coworker who couldn't care for her any more and Im having a hard time figuring out what breed she might be. I think she is a medium sized bunny, she feels only a little heavier than a 5lb bag of sugar. She is a light brownish color with hints of dark gray in different...