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  1. L

    Aggresive rabbit

    Our bunny was EXTREMELY aggressive, we neutered him about 2 months ago but we definitely waited too long (he is 5yrs old). He literally would bite chunks off of anyone who came anywhere near him. When we went to the vet he said he'd never seen a rabbit so vicious and although the neutering might...
  2. L

    New Odd Behavior

    no changes, same old bedding, he got a check up and is healthy, I feel like when we brought him home he preferred sitting in it but he hadn't taken it to this level until a couple of weeks after. There has to be a reason for the new behavior I just wish I knew what. You may be right about the...
  3. L

    New Odd Behavior

    We recently neutered our male rabbit and a couple of weeks later we notice he's taking all the bedding out of his litter pan and throwing it all over the cage and floor. He then sits in the pan in his own urine and feces and gets it in his fur. He's never done this before and we're not sure what...
  4. L

    EXTREMELY aggressive rabbit

    I refuse to give up on him, I love him and the idea of him being put down absolutely breaks my heart. He deserves a chance and I'll try anything. I did try some work gloves but he was able to bite through them. Does anyone know where I can find some heavier gloves?
  5. L

    EXTREMELY aggressive rabbit

    First thing: this rabbit has NOT been neutered, we have an appointment for Sunday to have him neutered because we know this must be the reason for most of the aggression. We need some suggestions because he has gotten to the point where we are afraid to try and feed him. We want to clean his...
  6. L

    What to expect if my bunny has an abcess?

    I do have a question, he didn't say anything about washing it but it seems like i should at least rinse the gunk out with water (or saline solution)? Or should I just not touch it?
  7. L

    What to expect if my bunny has an abcess?

    Yes we went to the vet yesterday. It was in fact an abcess. He cleaned out the bunny's eye and prescribed him some antibiotics to be given via shots. Hoping he'll get better soon. Thanks for the help!
  8. L

    What to expect if my bunny has an abcess?

    Hello. My rabbit is about 5 yrs old and seems to be a netherland dwarf. I am going to describe the series of events leading up to my current dilemma. My bunny recently got what seemed to be an eye infection. Through rinsing it with water and occasionally a tea tree oil solution we were able...