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  1. U

    Greetings from the North Country!

    Thanks Zrabbits :) Nothing can replace Hercules, but hopefully I'll be able to give some new bunnies all the love Herky left behind. Though that's debatable now, I can't keep a rabbit in the house because of my brother's allergies, so I may have to wait for a future litter if I don't keep them...
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    Greetings from the North Country!

    Thanks :) I miss Herky a lot... and buster, you can have the small towns! I miss living in the middle of suburbia! lol
  3. U

    Bunnies and allergies?

    I was afraid of the voice of reason, but you're probably right :(
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    Bunnies and allergies?

    Yes, he's definitely allergic to rabbits. He was tested for everything after we had had our old rabbit for a few years, but by then we had him too long to get rid of him, we were all attached. My bro dealt with it, allergy shots helped some, but since our Hercules had died in July, my brother's...
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    fluffy cuddle bunny

    omg smooshed against the cage, and that last one is sooooooo cute ^_^
  6. U

    Q-tip is SO grounded

    wow, impressive! I don't even know how to change the language on my computer! lol.. bunnies are so cute and curious, like little children, they get into trouble but you can't help but laugh and love them more :)
  7. U

    Vote on a name!

    This bun is what I call a "cutsie wootsie little mootsie" XD But from the choices I'd go for cloud or Mrs. Cuddleton (you mean you didn't have that as a choice??)
  8. U

    Greetings from the North Country!

    Here is the pile of bunnies I had to choose from (hugo is the black and white one right in the middle of the pile): And here is Hugo, this was taken last week, he is already much bigger!
  9. U

    Greetings from the North Country!

    Thank you! Malone is still too "small town" for me, I grew up in NJ about 10min from the GWB, lol... Here is a pic of my late bun, Hercules getting some love...
  10. U

    Bunnies and allergies?

    So, my boyfriend's mom is breeding huge furry rabbits (I'm pretty sure they're lion heads, though not sure if they are mixed or not?), and I really really want one (or two!), but I can't bring them home because my brother is highly allergic to like, just about everything (mold, dust, pollen...
  11. U

    Greetings from the North Country!

    Hi! I'm Elizabeth, currently residing in Northern NY state, and obviously new to rabbits online, but not new to having a rabbit :) My Hercules passed away this past July, he was 12 years old and lived a long, happy life with us. I'm currently trying to pick one from a litter my boyfriend's...