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  1. rtarmstrong

    How do I get a dirty bunny clean?

    Yeah they do a really good job of cleaning themselves, slowly but surely. However, a great stress-less way to help them out is to use a good dry shampoo. Sometimes bunnies will enjoy this experience if you do it right. When necessary, I spray some of this dry shampoo on a towel and massage it...
  2. rtarmstrong

    Getting a new Bunny this weekend.

    I agree with the consensus thus far, but furthermore, in regard to your concerns about the smell...both males and females will produce a very faint individual scent, but neither gender has an increased likelihood of smell production. This scent is directly comparable to that of human beings...
  3. rtarmstrong

    Getting a rabbit friendly.

    It definitely takes some rabbits longer than others to bond with their human counterparts. The best thing you can do is be patient, talk to them ALOT, pet them gently on their head (its how bunnies bond to each other), and give them space when they want it. When I first got shifty home, I sat on...
  4. rtarmstrong

    Anthony bit me

    :yeahthat: Well put, OneTwoThree. To add my 2cents, "The House Rabbit Handbook" does a great job of describing the importance of communicating with your buns. Good luck! : )
  5. rtarmstrong

    Rabbit Survey

    Yeah the survey was a little bit skewed. For example: my rabbits' habitat is also my habitat because they are free roaming.