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  1. Mistywren

    How did you come up with your rabbit's names?

    My lionhead was named Sylvester when we originally got him from the SPCA, then Cloud for a long while before my mother's elementary school class helped us with naming him Seemore. The logic behind it was that he would often hop up to the headrest of the couch to 'see more'.
  2. Mistywren

    Front Teeth Extraction

    My rabbit Seemore has no front teeth thanks to one breaking off. Overall life for the little guy is pretty normal, and we're closer with him, able to play a bit rougher without fear of any biting(he is a rather disgruntled fellow, a lionhead who hates being brushed but sometimes needs it.) For...
  3. Mistywren

    NEWS: Cutest Pet Story (Vancouver)

    Sorry, internet mess up, double post.
  4. Mistywren

    NEWS: Cutest Pet Story (Vancouver)

    ....Wow....Well its rather amusing that I stumble across this years later. My name is Lauren Wynja. Seemore is actually my rabbit. I know this thread is old and stuff but I just had to comment. Seemore is alive and kicking though with a couple of health scares over the years but has...