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  1. LadyBones

    HELP! Rabbit biting carpet!!!

    LaylaLop wrote: I tried the spray bottle but that did nothing for him other than make him pause his activity for a few seconds =/
  2. LadyBones

    HELP! Rabbit biting carpet!!!

    Any ideas on where to get a pen that isn't outrageously expensive? Luckily our whole house is hardwood/linolium except for the living room so he has some freedom but he still manages to find trouble. He is getting fixed soon, I know this is supposed to help a lot, I'm just hoping it won't...
  3. LadyBones

    HELP! Rabbit biting carpet!!!

    I feel like I've run out of noises =( I've clapped, snapped, whistled, yelled, and made a variety of other weird noises that I don't know how to write and he STILL does it. It's like he can't keep his mouth off of anything. It could be a cord he managed to yank down from where I have it taped up...
  4. LadyBones

    HELP! Rabbit biting carpet!!!

    I have tried clapping loudly and the treats and paper thing it doesn't work. He doesn't scratch the carpet he just bites and pulls and its anywhere in our living room not just one spot. He has so much paper and toys it isn't funny and he still wont' give up. I have blocked him off from the...
  5. LadyBones

    HELP! Rabbit biting carpet!!!

    HELP!! My rabbit Boscoe will not stop attacking our carpet. He sometimes tries to attack my shoes. I have tried everything I can think of to get him to stop. I have made noises, clapped and said "No" firmly, I've tried perfume on the carpet, I've put him in his crate when he does it for time...
  6. LadyBones

    Latching onto me

    I think you're doing a great job, the pillow idea is wonderful! I would say you've done everything you can do to help her, at this point she may just need more time to adjust. I would let our rabbit free roam but he does the same thing as your bun, he pulls the carpet up (he's not neutered yet...
  7. LadyBones

    Latching onto me

    I know you wanted a reply from someone who has had a grieving bun and although I've never had more than one bun at a time the bun that I just got does the same exact thing. We adopted him from a shelter where he was around a lot of other buns all the time. He also was kept in a cage for five...
  8. LadyBones

    New rabbit staring me down and attacking carpet

    My husband and I adopted a 1.5 year old male silver marten who's not fixed (yet!) on Tuesday (so about 4 days ago). When my husband is home he stays in his cardboard box we have in the living room that he plays in. My husband and I are very quiet and laid back so sound is not an issue but he...
  9. LadyBones

    BA and Me =)

    Hi my name is Malorie and my husband and I just adopted a rabbit from our local humane society. His name was originally Hank, then the lady at the humane society changed it to Sir Hops A Lot, THEN my husband decided he needed a manlier name and changed it to BA after Mr. T's character in the...