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  1. fashionistagirl13

    marking territory??

    my rabbit honneybun has just started to rub her chin on things when she gets free roam/floor time. is she sniffing things, itching her chin or what? is this bad and should i make her stop? please help! :):?:)
  2. fashionistagirl13

    What is a good litter

    carefresh is the best bedding ever!!! but it can be expensive :(
  3. fashionistagirl13

    Bitting :( please help

    my rabbit is usually very calm but a few minutes ago i was petting her in her cage and i went to go fix and pick up her hay and as i moved my hand she nipped me once and then bit me hard, i have teeth marks in my wrist which and cleaned and they look fine but they hurt, can u tell me why she...
  4. fashionistagirl13

    dr foster and smith

    do any of you buy from dr foster and smith? if so what do you buy or recommend.
  5. fashionistagirl13


    need some good toys for the bun bun!
  6. fashionistagirl13

    X pens :)

    is this a good pen for outside and just to bring with me around the house so she can be with me and for traveling :) but mostly outside :)
  7. fashionistagirl13

    does she want attention?

    everytime i walk past my bunnt she runs up and looks at me sort of like she is saying will you pet me? and then when im doing something on the floor and she has acsess to my hands she nuzzles her head under my hands then i pet her :) but does this mean she just wants attention or do i not spend...
  8. fashionistagirl13

    Toys Toys and more toys

    I am more than aware that rabbits need lots of toys! i am looking for some new toys ideas for honneybun. She has so many toys such as jingle balls, wood blocks, naturals toys, wicker, pt rolls, tp rolls, pillows, towles and lots more i am wonder of some toys that i can buy her or some creative...
  9. fashionistagirl13

    C&C cages :)

    My rabbit honneybun is a 3.3lb brown and white dutch rabbit (i will post pictures in a little while :)) she has a 3X3 c&c cage that i made for her and she loves it so much, most of the time she is out running around and playing with me :) she has a litter box, timmothy hay, orchard grass...
  10. fashionistagirl13

    GARLIC!?!?!?! help PLEASE

    i just purchased a treat that seemed nice and very healthy, but when i opened it and read the ingriedients again i read that it has traces of garlic in it. Im wondering if my rabbit can still eat it or if she cant have it, please help! :? Thnkyou! PS all of the other ingredients are safe...
  11. fashionistagirl13


    Happy late bday buttercup!!!!:party0002::bunny18:party::birthday:airborne:
  12. fashionistagirl13


    hi guys im wondering what you all feed your rabbits as treats, i know about feeding fruit, but im wondering if you guys feed any treats from petstores and what they are, also can i give my rabbit dried papaya? thankyou!:biggrin:
  13. fashionistagirl13

    Orchard grass? help please!

    thankyou soo much! also what do u feed your rabbit as a treat?
  14. fashionistagirl13

    Orchard grass? help please!

    Hi im new to this site and i have a question! i would like to buy orchard grass for my rabbit, she would get it mixed in with her timothy hay. she is 14 months old and im wondering if its ok to feed her that. thanks! :? :dutch