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    carpet and woodwork

    Hello all, I haven't been around for a while... We moved back in September and Brady took the move extremely well. I mean she did great!!! But, now I have a new problem. It seems she is in love with digging and chewing the carpet in our new apartment. She was never into the carpet at the old...
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    nail trimming

    My bunnies nails need trimmed big time! However, she does not like to be picked up. Never has and probably never will. Whenever we pick her up she immediately starts squirming to get away and we have to put her down so that she doesn't hurt herself. So, how can I trim her nails?
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    Now She is Biting

    Sorry I meant eating the raisins. She wasn't eating the rabbit.
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    Now She is Biting

    I should also mention that a few minutes later my roommate did go to the condo and offer her a peace offering of a couple of raisins through the grids. She petted her nose a bit while she was eating the rabbits. So, I guess they have made up for now.
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    Now She is Biting

    Yes, I am frustrated. I am probably actually venting more than actually asking for help. I know that this is just her being a teenager. She was digging and chewing the carpet (again) my roommate walked up and approached her from the side of her face and petted her to distract her from...
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    Now She is Biting

    This will now be my third thread about my teenage rabbit. First I posted about her stopping use of her litter box and then earlier today about her digging. Now she has bit my roommate (and drew blood) when my roommate tried to redirect her to stop digging at the carpet. My roommate did not...
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    Teenage Rabbit

    I use NIC panels too. I guess you would have to see my kitchen set up to understand why it won't work. Trust me I have tried. It doesn't help that all barriers have to be 2 panels high or she jumps them. Before this week she ran the living room, dining room, stairs and hallway pretty much...
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    Teenage Rabbit

    Thank you for your suggestions. She has a ton of toys that I rotate on a regular basis so that she doesn't get bored. In the better than 3 months that I have had her she has never destroyed anything. This all started this week. She does have a huge box of shredded paper to dig in. Each time...
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    Teenage Rabbit

    I posted the other day to say that my bunny had completely stopped using her litter boxes. Everyone who answered figures that this is "teenage behavior". I am sure it is because she is also "chinning" everything in sight. Today, the latest problem is digging. In any corner she can find she...
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    I have two litter boxes. My house is not that large. She is definitely marking her territory. I just left the living room for 2 minutes and she was in her litter box. I cam back and she was on the couch along with 5 poop pellets (I just cleaned it off an hour ago from her last visit to the...
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    Well I called around yesterday afternoon. I guess I didn't realize just how much it would cost to have her spayed. Since I am currently living on unemployment, I guess that will have to wait until at least September... So, I guess i am just stuck with the problem for now. I put her in her...
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    How old does she have to be before she can be spayed? This is something I planned on doing anyways so I guess if possible there is no time like the present.
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    My bunny (Brady) is about 5 and 1/2 months old. She has been perfectly litter trained since we brought her home at about 11 weeks. Until a couple of days ago! Suddenly she is laying pellets where ever she is and last night while sitting next to me getting petted she urinated. I am not sure...
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    Life and temptations!!

    I think you need to report them. Is there another pet store that can order the things you need? Or another store? Can you buy these things online? I am not sure I would want a dime of my money going to someone who does things like this.
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    Proof of Litter Training

    My bunny is litter trained. She runs the house most of the time and goes to her litter boxes frequently. My landlord gets upset (my landlord is also my dad) every time he comes over. He insists that she is urinating on the carpet and I just don't know it. How can I prove to him that this is...
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    We got her the first week in February.
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    My bunny is not real social. She does not like to be picked up, petted or touched in any way. I know she likes us because she comes up and stands on her back legs (curious), she crawls on us (only if we lay completely still), and she often under foot when we are moving around the house. But I...
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    What do you like about the rabbit breeds that you have? Can anyone tell me what my bunny's breed may be?
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    Coffee filters are fun!

    I just gave Brady a coffee filter and she loved it!
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    When is your rabbits' out-of-cage time?

    Brady has free run most of the time. We try to put her in her cage when we leave and at bedtime but she HATES being picked up so if we can't sit by the cage and coax her in, she stays out then too. I must add though that my home is VERY rabbit proof, she has toys, hay, boxes of paper all over...