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  1. mewlingcricket

    My 1st brokens are here!!!!! ND babies w/pics

    She is taking such good care of them. This is our Rabbitry's 1st baby's first babies. (theres a mouthful!) We weren't ready to breed her yet as she was just over 4 months at the time, however we have a play area with seperate runs and had taken the rabbits out to play (1 rabbit per run). We...
  2. mewlingcricket

    My 1st brokens are here!!!!! ND babies w/pics

    Lil Bit gave me 3 lil kits this morning. one black and two broken. I am really excited, these are my first brokens :yahoo::bunnydance::bunnyheart Lil Bit (black n.d) X Roger (broken chestnut n.d) :big kiss::inlove:
  3. mewlingcricket

    3 1/2 week old updates

    lela, What colors do you think those two are? I have been trying to figure them out, they aren't black, or seals.
  4. mewlingcricket

    3 1/2 week old updates

    Okay so my Thanksgiving babies are now 3 1/2 weeks. I was updating pics today for the website and wanted to share. Jessica (broken black N.D) x Oliver (black otter) Buck doe Thumpette (black N.D.) X Sawyer (blue N.D.) buck doe Pam (Sable Point Marten-VM L.H.) X Eric...
  5. mewlingcricket

    N.D. Critique and Opinions please

    Thanks, we are really excited about her. I am taking her to her first show (mine too) in January. She was by far the best of that litter (and the only one I kept)
  6. mewlingcricket

    N.D. Critique and Opinions please

    Okay so Tianna is now 14 weeks and I would some opinions on how she is shaping up. She is one of my favorites that I have bred so far, but I am biased. I know that she is not perfect and has some quirks. Also, since I am having some trouble learning to pose, I am enclosing several different...
  7. mewlingcricket

    Netherland Kits

    Absolutely adorable!!!!!
  8. mewlingcricket

    My last Harlie doe kindled

    Congrats and good luck on this litter, I am so sorry to hear about the others.
  9. mewlingcricket

    water bottles

    i checked on the kw cages website and they sell the conversion kits, and they also ship to canada. You may want to check with them. good luck!
  10. mewlingcricket

    water bottles

    what about the water bottle converters that allow you to take 20 oz soda bottles and turn them into water bottles for small animals?
  11. mewlingcricket


  12. mewlingcricket

    Need help identifying a 2 week old kits color

    Okay everyone, dumb question of the day :embarrassed:What color bellies are chins supposed to have? I ask because this little guy has a white/creamy tummy. Before he started getting the crazy fur, I had thought he was going to be a vm black marten, becasue he had the light belly, black body, and...
  13. mewlingcricket

    Need help identifying a 2 week old kits color

    Mom is showing only Sable Point, Sable Point Marten VM, and BEW, dad is showing only BEW, Black, and Black VM. Really cool though, obviously it was hidden somewhere, just didn't make the pedigree. Too cool.
  14. mewlingcricket

    Need help identifying a 2 week old kits color

    I've been doing some looking around, and I think you guys are right that it might be an chin. It never crossed my mind as I can't find reference to chin being in either of the parents backgrounds....weird, but still very cool. I guess he/she will end up being a chin vm. (blue eyes and white...
  15. mewlingcricket

    Need help identifying a 2 week old kits color

    His two back feet are completely white like he is wearing little boots