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  1. MPHF


    You came here on the 20th August 2008 and met Harley. It was like love at first sight. Before this you were at the RSPCA and adopted out to a person who didn't have much idea about rabbits. We told Auntie Tracy that Harley needed a girlfriend and in a few days she rang and told us about you...
  2. MPHF

    Floppy again!

    Today, we found a hard lump in Floppy's dewlap. She has been on Metacam since christmas time because of the beginning's of arthiritis in her leg which she broke last year. We think she is a Holland lop at about 6 nearly 7 years old. Everything is normal, eating, pooing, weeing but she seems to...
  3. MPHF

    2 Years Today

    We got Gizmo in October 2007 with her brother Minstrel. Giz was a shy timid little girl but won our hearts so quickly. She started to come out of her shell more and showed us the real her. She became fiesty, bossing Minstrel around. We decided to get Minstrel neutered in December as his hormones...
  4. MPHF


    We have took Minnie in knowing her problems and being her hospice carers. She has had x-rays and has twisted and elongated tooth roots on her right side. Her left side are fine. We took her to see our vet on monday evening. He said that she has abcesses on her jaw. We have her on Metacam...
  5. MPHF

    Gas attack or stasis?

    Yesterday evening when Harley had his pellets, he wasn't interested and didn't eat any. We thought it was another gas attack (Harley gets it quite often). My daughter stayed up all night with him and his partner Floppy to try and get him to eat. He had tummy rubs and infacol to try and get rid...
  6. MPHF

    Rabbit fur on clothes!

    This is completely random but does anyone else find that their rabbits fur gets stuck on certain types of clothes and if so what clothes? Ours seem to get stuck to black denim jeans but not blue ones...?? :?
  7. MPHF

    scruffing rabbits

    I just wanted some input to scruffing rabbits. Personally i would never do this to any of mine but i am volunteering at a vet clinic with 3 vets and i know for sure 1 of them scruff rabbits. I just want some back up info in case i am in the room with her when she does this as i might just...
  8. MPHF

    Weight loss changing behaviour?

    My rabbit Penguin has been on a diet for about a week and she has already lost 0.2KG. We are feeding her and her partner Minstrel separetley as he is small and can't afford to lose any weight. Now, when Penguin is in the garden she is a lotmore lively and active than she used to be. Can...
  9. MPHF

    Supreme petfoods Science Selective Range for Rabbits

    Well yesterday I went to my vet to pick up a bag of hay for my bunners and the receptionist asked what food I use. I told her that we use Burgess super rabbit excel food. She said that on Thursday there was a rep go in to explain about a different type of food for bunnies that doesn't require...
  10. MPHF

    Runner Bunners!

    Back in December 2006 we were given two sisters- Toffee and Nuggett. They were mixed breeds and the first pets my Daughter and I had. I wasn't keen on keeping Rabbits, but Hannah really wanted them and pursuaded me to have them (as long as she cleaned them out!) In the summer of 2007 we were...
  11. MPHF

    Rabbit eating everything but pellets!

    Harley has been less interested in his pellets for a couple of days now. He will eat a few if they are sprinkled on the ground or hand fed. Everything else he eats fine: hay, grass. treats etc. His poos are very small and have a lot of fur in them. I don't think it's gas attack because he gets...
  12. MPHF

    Mucous instead of poo

    I'm really worried about my bunny Floppy. I noticed last night that she did this weird jelly like poo with brown and white bits in. She went to the vet first thing this morning and they said it's worms. Floppy is 4 years old and i've only had her for a couple of weeks from the RSPCA. I have...