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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. R


    Hey everybody! Great forum :) I ahev 2 rabbits, (one is mine and one is my brothers) both ages 2 and a half years old. I have a black lionhead rabbit with a grey mane - he had his skirt when we was younger but it has almost gone now. My brother has an orange + white dutch rabbit who licks :)
  2. R

    So what happens at Rainbow Bridge? :(

    What happens at Rainbow Bridge? Do our loved animals souls (when they pass away) wait for us and then we cross the bridge together? What's over the bridge? :( I have 2 rabbits both 2 and a half years old, I don't know how I would cope when they pass away :(
  3. R

    Rabbits sleeping?

    Hello! I have 2 rabbits! :D 1 black lionhead rabbit and 1 dutch orange and white rabbit. They are 2 and a half years old, both males, neutered. In the 2 and and a half years I've never seen eiter of them sleep :biggrin2: I've seen them slightly dozey but that's all lol! What about you...