Could my indoor bunny have fleas???

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Nov 19, 2020
Reaction score
Westchester Co, NY
I just noticed what looks like fleas on my bunny's stuffed animal friend who we keep in her cage. Is it possible for an indoor rabbit to get fleas? I have been getting a lot of weird bites this summer and now I'm wondering if I'm getting them indoors. I'd appreciate suggestions on how to make a definite determination and what to do about fleas if we have them. Decades ago I had a cat with fleas and used a fogger in my house, but that was back in the dark ages and might have been very unhealthy.
Yes, indoor rabbits can get fleas if the fleas are tracked in by us or another pet. You can look around the back of the neck behind the head, for evidence of flea dirt and/or fleas.

Best treatment for rabbits is Revolution(selamectin, higher dose at 18mg/kg), but it is RX. Regular Advantage can also be used and is otc. Note: some rabbits may be sensitive to the Advantage II formula.

Medirabbit: fleas
Thanks for the interesting article, @JBun. We don't have any other pets which is why I'm so surprised.

The good news is that I don't see any fleas on our rabbit, so maybe a very thorough cleaning of her cage and roaming area will take care of it. There are lots of carpets and upholstery to deal with tho. I'd really rather not put her on medication if I don't have to.
Yes, indoor rabbits can get fleas if the fleas are tracked in by us or another pet. You can look around the back of the neck behind the head, for evidence of flea dirt and/or fleas.

Best treatment for rabbits is Revolution(selamectin, higher dose at 18mg/kg), but it is RX. Regular Advantage can also be used and is otc. Note: some rabbits may be sensitive to the Advantage II formula.

Medirabbit: fleas

That is a good article. IMO it’s important to vacuum repeatedly, and treat the affected areas with insect growth regulator, so you don’t have the same problem again next month.
Thanks for the advice, friends. One more question: I'm a little unsure about how to use diatomaceous earth. Would I sprinkle it on my carpets? I really don't want to harm my rabbit. I've been cleaning and laundering like crazy and I'm going to call my vet on Monday about Revolution.
Thanks for the advice, friends. One more question: I'm a little unsure about how to use diatomaceous earth. Would I sprinkle it on my carpets? I really don't want to harm my rabbit. I've been cleaning and laundering like crazy and I'm going to call my vet on Monday about Revolution.

Sorry, I don’t have experience with that.

I used Precor 2000. It was a while ago, but it worked fine, and I didn’t have any problems. I got the animals out of the house, vacuumed, sprayed the chemical on all affected areas, then returned after like 6 or 8 hours. Then vacuumed again, the next day.

Whatever you use, follow label directions. Good luck.

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