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  1. Veggie Girl

    Pics of Yoshi

    Yes I did get him from Lindsay :) Are you the same Myia that has a hold on one of her black e-lops?
  2. Veggie Girl

    Pics of Yoshi

    Yes they are so cute when they stand up like that. It looks really cute from the front, but I can't seem to get in front of him to snap a photo fast enough.
  3. Veggie Girl

    Pics of Yoshi

    He is an english lop :)
  4. Veggie Girl

    Pics of Yoshi

    Here are a few pictures of my new bunny...Yoshi :biggrin2: He moves around a lot so I can't seem to get any very good pics. He is such a sweetheart. When I had him out this afternoon he would run up and give me kisses then binky off. I've only had him since saturday but he seems to really like...
  5. Veggie Girl

    New Pictures Of What

    Oooh my goodness...I almost died of cuteness overload. She is such a doll!
  6. Veggie Girl

    Any English Lop owners out there?

    I have read about their great temperment, that is one of the reasons I fell in love with breed...along with those irresistable long ears :) I plan on getting a male, but am not 100% set on it. The breeder is supposed to let me know their genders when they are around 3 weeks of age. I am excited...
  7. Veggie Girl

    Any English Lop owners out there?

    Aww Yofi is adorable! I'm going to have to start reading Bassetluv's blog when I get a chance. Also that's a cute tounge photo of your bun kat :) I'm so excited, I just want my e-lop NOW! I have a long wait though as the babies aren't even a week old yet! At least that gives me more time to...
  8. Veggie Girl

    Any English Lop owners out there?

    So... I have become infatuated with the English Lop breed, and put a deposit down on a bunny the other day. I have been looking online and know about the importance of ear cleaning and trimming of nails so they don't scratch themselves, but I can't seem to find much information on them. What...
  9. Veggie Girl

    The twins are here

    Oh my goodness... TWINS!!! They are both completely adorable :)
  10. Veggie Girl

    My rescue bunny Crabtree

    How precious! I can't believe someone would have just left her like that in a box to die. Poor girl, I hope she does okay, and congrats on your new baby :)I found my cat Jaxon at about 2 days old and he had to be bottle fed. I also had to help him go potty. I don't know how it is with baby...
  11. Veggie Girl

    Really scary taxi ride last night

    Oh my gosh! I would have been so scared. I hope this guy gets fired, who knows what he was planning on doing. I'm glad he got 'nervous' and let you out though. Keep us updated on what happens.
  12. Veggie Girl

    New member from Arizona & needs help!

    Here are a couple pictures of Dexter:
  13. Veggie Girl

    New member from Arizona & needs help!

    I might, but if I do I will be adopting this time around. I wouldn't buy from a pet store again. I am really partial to Dexter though, and hope my mom goes through with giving him to me. He is the friendliest bunny I've ever met, and runs over to be petted. He is just super sweet, and I'm not...
  14. Veggie Girl

    New member from Arizona & needs help!

    Well she is the one who originally said I could take him in, but if she decides to keep him I won't really have much choice. Technically it is her rabbit so not much I can do. I will keep convincing her to let him out more though.
  15. Veggie Girl

    New member from Arizona & needs help!

    Unfortunately I don't have any pics available right now. I only have a couple of him and they are older, but I don't have a scanner to upload them. I will be going to my parents house tomorrow and I will take pics. I won't be bringing him to my house for a couple of weeks, as I'm still waiting...