Recent content by twinklestar69

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  1. twinklestar69


    Hi there thanks for the do I go about getting his picture on here? I have my pictures stored on my computerunder pictures....but am having problems copying and pasting so I gather I am doing something wrong.....thanks
  2. twinklestar69


    Hi there and thanks for the reply here is ollie
  3. twinklestar69

    Ollie is loosing his fluff???

    No scratching, but today he has been rather un the weather......I shall keep an eye on him
  4. twinklestar69


    Thanks x
  5. twinklestar69


    Thank you very cute bunnies you have
  6. twinklestar69

    Has anyone got any cool name suggestions?

    What about cartoon characters....Mr Benn, Mr Magoo,etc...................good luck
  7. twinklestar69


    Hi all, here is Ollie................very cute and loves lots of contact........he enjoys playing with his companion his ball!!! He loves to eat white choc drops as a treat...and of loves to have a bite of his favourite veg..carrots..He can be a bit of a devil, and trip you up, spray wee on...
  8. twinklestar69

    Ollie is loosing his fluff???

    Hi all.................Olie is now 5 years old and i have noticed especially his sides near his legs , his fur is coming off in large amounts!! Is this normal at this time of year? He seems happy enough and is eating