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  1. Toffeegirl

    6 yr. old Doe hiding, not eating, pooping nor peeing?

    Thank you!She's back to normal litter activity and eating pellets & hay. Good idea about the babygas medicine! I will still take her to her vet for a checkup, since it has been awhile since she's been for one and I'll ask the Vet what I should have on hand in case of emergencies like this? What...
  2. Toffeegirl

    6 yr. old Doe hiding, not eating, pooping nor peeing?

    Hi Everyone! Toffee is doing fine. Back to her old self! What a relief! Last night, I used a syringe with a few drops of mineral oil in her mouth and put a couple of drops in her drinking water. I rubbed her tummy every couple of hours and kept her moving often, before I finally went to bed...
  3. Toffeegirl

    6 yr. old Doe hiding, not eating, pooping nor peeing?

    My 6 yr. old doe Toffee is not eating nor peeing/pooping. Since 2:00 pm today. She suddenly started acting strange - hiding in a corner of her cage that she rarely frequents, in strange places around the house, now she won't even come out of her cage.... She is drinking a fair bit ...
  4. Toffeegirl

    Chipped Tooth?

    My bunny's tooth has completely grown back! I'm amazed at how fast! Thanks for your replies!
  5. Toffeegirl

    Chipped Tooth?

    Thanks so much for your replies. I'm monitoring her water, hay and litter box and check her tooth every night at 'snuggle' time! :)
  6. Toffeegirl

    Chipped Tooth?

    Hi, my 5-year old doe Toffee has a chipped bottom tooth - broken right down to the gum .... I'm not sure how she did this and it is the first time I've noticed such a thing. I'm monitoring her food and water intake, my question is - will it grow back?