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  1. T

    Almost died of shock yesterday Pretty cute :D
  2. T

    Gotta Get More Bunnies Syndrome (commonly known as GGMB)

    A black otter Britannia Petite: A blue-eyed white Netherland Dwarf: I love these buns! I don't have any currently, I've been researchingrabbits for awhile now, reading everything here and on the internet :D.
  3. T

    Calling all you Californians...and everyone else

    What about the one in San Diego? February 25th?
  4. T

    bunnies on wood floors?

    When rabbits jump, it's called a "binky"
  5. T

    Changing out of the blue

    maybe its his way of telling you that he needs more fiber in his diet?:D
  6. T

    my buns

    As rabbits, or any other animal for that matter,grow older their coat color patterns change, it's very common to losewhite hairs like that in a stripe. A wide stripe will usually end upvery thin, and a thin one will likely be non-existant when the bungrows :).
  7. T

    We got a new bunny ....

    Captain Holly of Owlsla! Not exactly starting with M but looks just like him :)
  8. T

    one of the worst experiences of my life

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It must be like losing a family member. :(