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  1. Tankstar

    Stop BSL!!

    Michaela wrote: well not to sound to rude becuase death is no funny topic. But many children are NEVER taught how to act around dogs. Whe I go to the dog park. People bring their kids and let there kids run all over like it is a dog petting zoo. Chasing dogs with sticks and rocks. So in...
  2. Tankstar

    Stop BSL!!

    polly wrote: The american temperment test society has a webpage with all tests doneon every bred of dog. The pitbull has a 84% pass rate. while other breeds have a lower pass rate. but I cant get the website to work
  3. Tankstar

    Stop BSL!!

    pamnock wrote: But how many pittbulls have actually killed adults? Children yes. so have goldens, collies, poodles, cockers, and even pomeranians have. no dog should be judged by breed. Only by the way the owners train it. its all in training.
  4. Tankstar

    Stop BSL!!

    I think it is plain stupid. why werent pittbulls in the news all the time say 20 years ago? becuase they were not as popular to gangs 20 years ago. A dog is what you make it. Pittbulls are bred for non human agression (atleast they used to be bred for this). Yes they were fighting dogs, they...
  5. Tankstar

    A new dog

    I am what you call dog obsessed. I only have one dog at the moment. but will get a russian wolfhound when i can. I currently have a Collie. As for you wanting a dog. Have you and your family ever had a dog before? What size do you want. Toy, small, medium, large, x-large? Hair...
  6. Tankstar

    Pets besides rabbits

    My 4 year old collie Blaze. he is my shadow. My rats Lilly (the black one) and Daisy (The white one) they are about a year old as you can tell Lilly loves attention. Daisy doesnt care for it as much lol. The oldest here. Mike the red eared slider, who is about 15 years old. (the white on...
  7. Tankstar

    Hello from Sid and I.

    Thank you every one. And thank you to TMS for telling me about the site. I'm not to sure on Sids actual weight I would say around 5 lbs. I would go and try to weight him, but the scale is upstairs and every one is sleeping. I will do it tomorrow. I have had many bunnies growing up. We...
  8. Tankstar

    litter tray ?

    They also have litters for rabbits, so it may not be as big as a cat box, and wont take up to much room. My rabbit has a cat box, but he also doesnt have a cage he free roams, so the box doesnt take up any room to him lol. But you can train them to use it.
  9. Tankstar

    Hello from Sid and I.

    Hi my name is Lisa. I have (what i think) is a holland loop named Sid. Dont know his age. I have had him for almost 4 years. My friend found him in a cage on the side of the road. Some one must have dropped him off. So my friend brought him to me becuase at the time I had a Rex named Midnight...