Recent content by StinkyBunny101

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  1. StinkyBunny101

    Question to those with bonded buns

    Ive had a bonded sister pair for almost 2 years now. The cage holds 2 food bowls and 2 litter boxes. They are usually both using the same thing. They will eat one bowl of food and move to the other one. Same when they are using the pot. I keep 2 just to give them more options.
  2. StinkyBunny101

    Question : Broken Nail .what should i do?

    Stinky has broken a nail a couple of times. IME there is nothing to worry about. Just make sure its clean. If you havent already I would wipe the area clean with some soap and warm water. Cleaning the cage will help also. I did that since I didnt want him stepping in pee or poop. It will grow...
  3. StinkyBunny101


    We have the same problem over here. Its funny because they usually never hear their given name. Ill give you some examples. Buns 1. Stinky: Stink Pot, Tink, Tinky, Tinker, Stinky Bunny 2. Lucky: Luck duck, Lucky Bunny Chins 1. Charlie: Charles, Bean, Charlie Bean, Fat man 2. Bonnie: Bon Bon...
  4. StinkyBunny101

    Jewel and Bambi got a new cage

    Ahh the wonderful world of NIC. Where were you all my life. Just think a wonderful sized rabbit cage for under $30. Thats 3x the largest sized marchioro cage and 1/4 of the price. Im not completely done yet. I still need an idea for the bottom. Any suggestions? Also no ledges for these full...
  5. StinkyBunny101

    what do you use in your bun's litter tray?

    Usually Yesterdays News, if I run out Carefresh works also. The hay is within reaching distance. They love eating while theyre on the pot. :)
  6. StinkyBunny101

    Water bottle or water bowl

    All my rabbits use water bottles. Ive tried using bowls in the past but they never worked. The buns would just flip them over or fill them with wood chips. I really never had any major problems with them leaking either.
  7. StinkyBunny101

    Yesterdays News, ferrett

    Ive been using the regular Yesterdays News Cat litter for over 2 years now. Ive never had any problems. I would just go with that, around here its cheaper then the ferret and rabbit type.
  8. StinkyBunny101

    OMG!!! You wont believe this one...

    Thanks for the replies and kind words everyone. She has come around a lot in the last couple of days. She is a very nice bunny. Still no word from the owners. She is loving it here though. Here is a recent picture. She just chillin.
  9. StinkyBunny101

    OMG!!! You wont believe this one...

    Thank you Spring. I hope she is not pregnant. She is just showing the characteristics that my old female would do when she was pregant. Im proably overreacting. Anyway she is doing wonderful. Stinky seems to like her a lot. He wont stop humping his toys whenever she stops by his cage.
  10. StinkyBunny101

    OMG!!! You wont believe this one...

    CheyAutRanch wrote: Not to be rude or anything but where did you get this information from? I would love to read up on it.
  11. StinkyBunny101

    OMG!!! You wont believe this one...

    Well so far she is doing well. She is eating good. Pellets, timothy, carrots, apples, ect... I have been watching over her behavior and have noticed somethings. She has a nice fat pouch under her neck, she is digging alot, she has pushed a lot of her wood chips in a nice little pile, she is very...
  12. StinkyBunny101

    OMG!!! You wont believe this one...

    Moominmoo I called some vets and a couple local pet stores letting them know I found her. Although I am hoping no one calls me about her. Celestial Wind Our lucky's look pretty similar. Yes she has really calmed down since last night. I was a little worried at first but she seem better now.
  13. StinkyBunny101

    OMG!!! You wont believe this one...

    Ohh yeah, we named her Lucky.
  14. StinkyBunny101

    OMG!!! You wont believe this one...

    So last night around 1:00am I was sitting outside smoking a ciggarette and I saw a rabbit crossing the road. I usually think nothing of it since there are a lot of wild rabbit around my house but this one looked very big. So I walked over into a decent sized grassy area where a couple of people...
  15. StinkyBunny101

    My other enjoyment

    Thanks for the kind words everyone. As far as the tank goes with maintenance its a give and take relationship. I have about 50 snails and about 15 hermit crabs along with the shrimp and starfish. They help with cleaning up the inside of the tank(ie left over food, fish poop, algae, ect). I will...