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  1. S

    Bunny Concern Potential Fly Strike?

    Thanks for all your help. I was wondering if bot fly laying larvae would also be a form of flystrike? as i read that fly strike takes longer to develop but since it has been 4 days I assume I am safe from flystrike and it is something else?
  2. S

    Bunny Concern Potential Fly Strike?

    I was worried about fly strike but it has been 4 days and I thought fly strike was lethal within 24 hours?
  3. S

    Bunny Concern Potential Fly Strike?

    Sorry if I do anything wrong this is my first post on this website but my bunny has had these two little holes in his underbelly (near his testicles) for roughly 4 days now and it has scabbed over twice and he has licked the scab off twice now and I am really worried as it has also been bleeding...