Recent content by Speri

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  1. Speri

    Always Listen to Your Mother

    AHAHAHA! Agreed, it's gotta be the one she was talkin' about...I don't doubt it. xD
  2. Speri

    the 'when' game

    Just a few hours ago. WWTLTY went on a roller coaster?
  3. Speri

    30 Advantages of being a Woman

    I had to pick 17, a lot of 'em were good though! I just was thinking on it and I never have seen one of my male friends congratulate another male in a way that doesn't involve some kind of touching of the butt or other body part. hahaha
  4. Speri

    Like it, Love it, Hate it, Never tried it

    Never tried it, would like to though! Skinny dipping. =3
  5. Speri

    How to find inner peace

    Ahahaha, wow...that's great. XD
  6. Speri

    the 'when' game

    Not in a looooong time. WWTLTY did something crazy?
  7. Speri

    One thing you may not know about me!

    One thing you may not know about me is that I am going to foster rats soon<3
  8. Speri

    Interviewing Game

    Ok, this is a pretty cool game, and very simple. How it works is a person asks a random question (it can be anything at all). Then the next person answers the previously asked question and then they leave a question for the next person to answer. Questions that were used may be used again to...
  9. Speri

    Getting another bun!

    Aww, thanks to both of ya! Little Waffles is settling in just fine! Still sweet as ever, using his litter box, never has any accidents (which I'm extremely happy about, but kinda shocked), loves to be held and cuddled! Everyday I just open the cage and he runs around my room, climbs on...
  10. Speri

    Getting another bun!

    *bump* I got Waffles today! All I can say This rabbit is so sweet... All he wants is your attention it seems. He loves being held, and even when you sit down and let him roam a bit, he comes right back on to your lap. Waffles even waited until we got home (had about an hour...
  11. Speri

    Five Questions Game

    1. What was the last CD you brought? Ummm, I can't even remember! =O I always use my iPod. 2. What was the last birthday pressie you brough? A manga series for my boyfriend's birthday coming up. ^__^ 3. What was the weather like yesterday where you are? Mainly sunny and kinda hot. 4. How many...
  12. Speri

    Five Questions Game

    1. which knd of milk do you like best-chocolate, strawberry or plain? Chocolate! 2. what did you eat for breakfast? Nothing >.< 3. last song you listened to? I Cross My Heart 4. last movie trailer you watched? Umm..I think something for The Pineapple Express. haha 5. do you sleep with a...
  13. Speri

    One thing you may not know about me!

    I like bragging about my boyfriend's artistic skill, because he always says he isn't that great...but...he's kinda wrong. It's alright, he knows the truth deep down. hahaxD
  14. Speri

    Look to your left and what do you see?

    My neighbor's house, my mom's truck and car, a spare bun cage...etc...hehe, I'm outside. =P