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  1. S

    How Can I Get Closer to my Bunny?

    I don't have a bunny, so sorry I can't help you with the bonding process. Good luck! That video is awesome though.
  2. S

    A couple of questions...

    Elrohwen: That's why I like the those plastic tub cages. So easy to clean. I don't work, so I'm home all the time. My two birds are out of their cage all day, unless I run out for a short while. My future bunny will be out of his cage as much as the birds. I'm also planning on giving him 24/7...
  3. S

    A couple of questions...

    SweetSassy wrote: Eek.. how many of those packs does it take to make say.. a 4 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot cage? There's a typical rabbit cage with the tub bottom and wire walls at the pet store with those same dimensions for $120. Which should I go for?
  4. S

    A couple of questions...

    Flashy wrote: I'm still deciding on what cage I'm going to use. I'll probably build one of those cages with the locking parts that are from target. What's an average cost of a pack of those pieces?
  5. S

    A couple of questions...

    Thank you so much for the great advice everyone! I am totally stuck on having an indoor bunny. I feel that's the best way to keep a bunny. Our house is small so we dont' have room for a big cage. He does have a point there, which is why I'm thinking maybe a netherland dwarf instead of a...
  6. S

    A couple of questions...

    Flashy wrote: I am planning on getting our bunny spayed/neutered. It's a must if we went a house trained bunny. Our yard and location is not a good place for bunnies to run free in. My husband's rabbit escaped several times and they lived in an urban area. That would worry me too much. Our...
  7. S

    A couple of questions...

    Flashy wrote: I am planning on getting our bunny spayed/neutered. It's a must if we went a house trained bunny. Our yard and location is not a good place for bunnies to run free in. My husband's rabbit escaped several times and they lived in an urban area. That would worry me too much. Our...
  8. S

    A couple of questions...

    Hi! Wow so potty training goes pretty quick. That's good to know. My hubby is stuck on the whole 'bunnies need the run of the back yard thing at all times' thing. It seems like it would be more risks than benefits. I want an indoor bunny with the option to go outside. Part of it is he doesn't...
  9. S

    A couple of questions...

    Thank you so much! I hope to get my bunny soon. Maybe by my birthday this december we'll have a bunny. I can't wait! I'll be asking lots of questions so far as the time comes closer.
  10. S

    A couple of questions...

    Hey folks. :) I'm not on here much at all just yet, as I still don't have my bunny nor have I began buying supplies. Still saving up and doing research. I have some questions about bunnies before i get started though.. 1. How much success have you all had potty training your bunnies? What age...
  11. S

    New here:)

    Thanks so much! ^_^
  12. S

    New here:)

    Hello! I'm Skybaby. I don't have any bunnies yet. I do have other pets tho, and figured I'd share them with you. I have one turquoise indian ringneck parakeet named Skye (small parrot) and a 5 gallon fish tank with a divider currently housing 2 female bettas. I'm hoping to get a rabbit in the...