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  1. sharper

    MINI-REX Maddness -(Now Closed)

    snuggling with my Bailey
  2. sharper

    Cage Cams!

    were there any links posted of live web stream that we can watch?
  3. sharper


    my vet told me that the powder form keeps longer and you have more options of how to give it (sprinkled over food) or dilute it to a liquid. I got the little powder jar from Petco for small animals (around the ferrets supplies area), but it was a hefty $15 for such a tiny little product. whew...
  4. sharper

    50% Off Rabbit Toys

    I put a few things in my cart and then saw the shipping was going to be over $15 and decided not finish checking out. :( the toys looked pretty cute, though. I think Bailey would have loved the mini activity center.
  5. sharper

    You have to LOOK at what I got off of craigslist!

    oh wow! That is awesome! That would take up waaaay too much room. lol I'm glad you found a place for it to go!
  6. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    Oh I hope this is a heavy molt... I'd hate to see that if this was a light one...yikes
  7. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    I took Bailey out on the back porch to do a brushing session outside. Of course, no matter which way I faced, the fur still flew into me and not the other way. lol Bailey seemed interested in exploring. This is her second time ever outside. So I grabbed the camera. First, she went to say hi to...
  8. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    Wabbitdad12 wrote: *shudder*....I'm so glad I just have 1 rex and I hear rex's are the least shedding rabbits. lol but it's just so fine and small, that it just goes airborn and sticks to my face, in my nose and everything...yuck. I'll just stick with the 1 rabbit, then lol
  9. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    It seemed like it happened just over night. I didn't know really what to expect. It's the first time I've experienced this. ..... Bailey has started her first shed. I guess I thought since I had her since the beginning of February, she wasn't going to have one. i thought maybe just...
  10. sharper

    The Adventures of Fluffy-RIP and Monsters-RIP

    omg new babies! *thud*
  11. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    she seems to just make that noise when she plays with her toys. lol I guess maybe she is dominating it or something.
  12. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    hmm, I don't know why it doesn't work. I guess I couldn't get the link right. this one works :)
  13. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    Bailey went bonkers for her new toy today. Here is my first video of Bailey. Listen for her crazy fun noises she makes. LOL She's crazy.
  14. sharper

    Bailey (A 2nd chance at life) - 2009

    I've seen such a difference in Bailey within days after Hailey left our home. Her personality has come out and I've seen her play and have so much fun - something I haven't seen from her before. I'm just amazed at what a change! We've been spending a lot of time together. Now I can lay on the...
  15. sharper

    Rabbits like to chew on brick and mortar?

    Oh good. I was thinking this must be one weird rabbit. Good to know there are others out there. Yes, the scrapping sound of the teeth against it is awful sounding. It sounds like she's actually crunching it off in pieces, but whenever I look, there aren't any marks. Oh lava rocks! I...