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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. R

    Fly strike

    Thanks everyone blue eyes would this work I have an outdoor misting system I could run 12 hours a day I would also do the food floor tile and frozen water bottle and I could bring her in for the hottest part of the day from 1-4 pm and then give the cold things again I am going to build a hutch...
  2. R

    Dry coat and skin problems

    My rabbit has a very dry coat and her skin is really dry Would 4-5 drops of any food grade oil such as olive on too of her pellets be benificial would 1 or 2 drops massaged directly into the biggest problem areas do any good
  3. R

    Are dried herbs safe for rabbits?

    Here is a very interesting article on medicinal herbs for rabbits
  4. R

    Bunnies loving fresh basil!

    My girl loves fresh sage and mint she also likes thyme but it depends on if she feels like eating it we have a local ethnic market with all the herbs you can think of 8 ounces of a dried herb is 75 cents I get lavender and chamomile and she loves it I also make lavender tea and add it to her...
  5. R

    Fly strike

    I want to be prepared for summer because I live in an area where temps for the day usually exceed 100 degrees and during late summer it get humid my rabbit lives outside are there any herbs that would repel the flies and other bugs if there are any other natural alternatives to chemicals I would...
  6. R

    Stress & how to calm a rabbit

    My rhinelander girl is living outside and it has been raining very hard with lots of thunder she is on a sheltered patio and her cage gets covered at night to try and calm her down but the thunder still scares her I have tried lavender tea in her water because I've read that it's a mild...
  7. R

    Ingested eucalyptus

    Thanks for the great info
  8. R

    Ingested eucalyptus

    Is it ok for my rabbit to ingest dried eucalyptus leaves? Is it bad? Are there any medicinal properties for rabbits?