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  1. Q

    Litter box issues

    good ideas i will give them a shot
  2. Q

    Litter box issues

    My daughters rabbit was using the litter box fine when i got her. the last month though she keeps moving it. tipping it over she wont leave it alone. Any one else have problems with this?
  3. Q

    Litter box issues

    he doesnt use the litter box to go to the bathroom in at all he sleeps in it...
  4. Q

    Litter box issues

    I am trying to litter box train. The rabbit is sleeping in the litterbox and pooping in the bedding... Any suggestions?
  5. Q

    Treat question

    So can anyone tell me what kind of rabbit this is and how big it will get?
  6. Q

    Treat question

    He / She is 9 weeks old. What do I use as substrait in the litter box?
  7. Q

    Treat question

    also the pet shop guy told me it was a dutch dwarf? I never believe those people they always mis inform just to sell things. He knew I wanted something that would stay small. He said this bunny wouldnt get more the 5 lbs and stay small. How can I ensure this is what he said it was? I dont know...
  8. Q

    Treat question

    Yeah I am already planning on getting her spaid or him nutered. Not sure if its a boy or a girl. What age should I do this at? I have always had my animals "fixed" except my reptiles.
  9. Q

    Treat question

    yeah he is great. I had one as a child my self he was about a 30 pound white rabbit. I did not ask for it and i did not want it. It was horrible. He bit and crapped everywhere. I was not allowed to take him out of the cage because he crapped everywhere and my aunt didnt like it. But I am older...
  10. Q

    Treat question

    I got a baby rabbit for my daughter.It is awesome its like a combination of a cat and a dog. Extremly friendly comes to you if you sit on the floor. Likes to play. I have a question about a treat though I have read what good for them and whats not but not sure if some things in very small...