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  1. PopcornPastures

    Hello from Liverpool UK

    Thanks Becca!!! :)
  2. PopcornPastures

    Hello from Liverpool UK

    Hi Guys, Having trouble locating where to put snaps? Any help? My pigs live in pairs (boars) girls live in a 4 group, 3 girls and another neutered boar, then there is glynis and her 2 babies! She gave birth last week to two girls. :) She is a rescue pig, we took her in already pregnant. :)
  3. PopcornPastures

    Hello from Liverpool UK

    Thank you so much for the welome. Oh yes have a few photos! :)) Will put them up in a mo! Look forward to chatting!
  4. PopcornPastures

    Michael Jackson

    I was fortunate as a 10 year old in the late 80's to hear Michael sing. He was doing a concert at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool which is quite a way from my home (about 25 minutes drive) but you could hear him! It was amazing! I've been a fan since I can remember, I grew up on Motown! My...
  5. PopcornPastures

    Hello from Liverpool UK

    Hi All, My name is Louise, I'm from Liverpool UK. I live here with my partner Peter and our two daughters Emily who is 8 and Caitlin who is 4. We have 4 rabbits. Tika who lives with our neutered buck Harvey and two more does Cindy and Misty who like Tika are Nethies. We also have 23...