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  1. P

    Neuter Post-op Questions

    I've been able to check Jack a few times and everything looks good--no signs of bleeding or infection. However he has discovered that flinging his water crock around not only makes a lot of noise that gets my attention, it sends me running (right now at least since he can't be sitting in a...
  2. P

    Neutered bunny litter?

    Mine is a chewer and loves to pee on towels and blankets...and just about anything else. What I'm using is a layer natural Carefresh on the bottom of the cage. On top of that I have two wire grid cookie sheets--the kind that are raised a bit--with resting platforms on those...
  3. P

    Neuter Post-op Questions

    My 3-year-old Dutch, Jack, was neutered yesterday. The vet that did the procedure wasn't my usual vet and sent me out the door with minimal instructions. (Older small town vet, and it turns out very busy during evening pick-up time). From what I'm reading here everything seems fairly normal...
  4. P

    Hormones in full swing

    Hormones didn't settle down in my guy at all. He seriously has the hots for me and unless I have an apple slice in hand to distract him, he turns around and takes aim at me. In fact I brought him home from his neuter a few hours ago--even as puny as he's feeling he still managed to douse my...