Recent content by patchesXmommaXx

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  1. patchesXmommaXx

    I'm Newww!!!

    Hewwo Ruby! My namez is Patches the Holland Lop buck! Guess what, it's almost my birfday! I'll be turnin' one yearz old! My momma's avatar is ME'Z! I wuz bein' a shy wittle fellow that day ... :P Anywayz, wetz be fwiends! I'll be willing to share my yummy snackies with you ...! I have...
  2. patchesXmommaXx

    Hewwo! I iz new heres!

    Thanks for all the welcomesz!
  3. patchesXmommaXx

    Hewwo! I iz new heres!

    Thank you for the warm welcome Daisy Mae! :hug2: I can't wait for Christmasz! Momma says that I've been a good bun, even though I can't control my bladderz sometimes and she doesn't get mad . But she seems irritated when I open the snackies drawer . And when I want to rearrange, she puts it...
  4. patchesXmommaXx

    Hewwo! I iz new heres!

    Hewwo! My name iz Patches! What's your namez? My mommeh took this handsomez picture of meh! I wuz bein' shy dat day... Anywayz! Nice to meet you guyz! By the wayz, what do U want for...