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  1. N


    Sounds to me like you need to take him to the vet. Maybe if it's a flap, and not an actual hole, they can put stitches in it.
  2. N

    Hello can anyone help

    Keep in mind this is a whole new world for your bunny. It's new, different, and exciting. Most bunnies need some time to adjust to their new homes before they get comfortable. When you let him out to his play area, sit with him. Don't try to touch him or anything, just sit there. Rabbits are...
  3. N

    Too thin??

    Ok thanks a lot! She usually is very hyper and she looooves to hop. She will have a check up before November, just because she hasn't had one since I got her and I want to make sure everything is ok. I'll ask my vet then. Thanks again for your help. :bunnydance:
  4. N

    Too thin??

    She was on Alfalfa pellets until about 2 weeks ago. I actually went looking for Oxbow, but since they didn't have any, I went with the Timothy Complete. I can feel her ribs, but I have to press down a little bit. I AM planning on having her spayed, but not until November. I just don't have the...
  5. N

    Too thin??

    Since Abby is my first bunny, I don't know what a healthy rabbit should feel. I can't SEE her bones, but when I run my hand over her, I can feel her spine and shoulders pretty easily. She's about 5 months old, has unlimited access to Timothy Complete pellets and Kaytee Alfalfa and Timothy hay...
  6. N

    Timothy Complete

    I was actually looking for Oxbow, but Petsmart didn't have it, so I bought the next best thing. There is a feed store about 12 miles from here though that carries Oxbow, I just need to go and get it. Thanks a lot for the heads up.
  7. N

    Timothy Complete

    Alright thanks guys!!
  8. N

    Timothy Complete

    I just switched to Timothy Complete for my bunny Abby, but does that mean I shouldn't give that much Timothy hay? I know if you feed an alfalfa based diet, you shouldn't feed that much alfalfa hay, so is it the sameway?
  9. N

    Naming problem

    Hamlet is cute! How about Cocoa or Hershey? Kind of hard to come up with names without a picture. :rabbithop
  10. N


    Yah I read through a lot of those last night before bed. They were very helpful. Unfortunately mom doesn't want me to have Abby at all, and she said she's not paying for anything for her. So I can get her some good pellets, but it's going to have to wait until this Sunday unfortunately. It IS a...
  11. N


    I did a search and found a feed store that sells Oxbow 2.9 miles away from me. Yay! That's a lot closer than I was expecting, so hopefully I can get my mom to give me a ride up there tomorrow. Thanks again for the replies, guys. You've all been a great help.
  12. N

    What Other Animals Do You Own Besides Rabbits?

    Cute rats Cait! I plan on getting some rats when I move into my b/f's house in December but for now, I have 2 bearded dragons, 2 cats, and a puppy at my house. At my boyfriend's house we also have a ferret and 2 red eared sliders. And now, Abby the bunny, has been the perfect addition into our...
  13. N


    Ok. Thanks so much. This is my first bunny and I want everything to be perfect for her.
  14. N


    I don't think we do. I'm not really sure, though. I'm used to reptiles, so I usually buy all my pet food and supplies online. Is there any websites I could maybe find a good one? And do you think I should pick everything else out but the pellets until I can get a better one? I dont want her to...
  15. N


    I read on a rabbit care sheet that pellets for rabbits should have 20-25% fiber, and that the different colored and shaped pellets aren't really needed, but the pet store I got Abby at didn't have a wide variety of pellets. I bought the one with the most fiber I could find, which was 17%. It's...