Recent content by Nicole_Lucky

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  1. Nicole_Lucky

    Remodeling Suggestions?

    Lucky's home has been the same since he's first gotten it: his apporximatly 5 x 2.5 ft cage is completly open, with a small "shelf" on one end, which serves as shelter underneath, and if he climbs on top, is his kitchen. I was thinking of doing some cost-effective remodelling, perhaps putting up...
  2. Nicole_Lucky

    Weird, random spasms

    Thanks so much for your advice evryone, I really appreciate it! I will definetly look into finding a reputable vet in my area. By the way, "Blue Giants," thats a beautiful bun in your display pic! Happy holidays everyone!
  3. Nicole_Lucky

    Weird, random spasms

    Oh-mi-gosh! Now I'm worried for my safety! How old were ur buns when they started spraying you?
  4. Nicole_Lucky

    Weird, random spasms

    Awsome, thanks so much for your advice. Phinnsmommy, I looked through the link, and it says "Unneutered male rabbits spray, and both males and females are much easier to litter train.." What does it mean by "spray?" Is it to urinate on...?
  5. Nicole_Lucky

    Weird, random spasms

    Im not surprised. He hasnt been aggressive as of yet, in fact he's extremely calm and approachable, considering he's almost 3 years old, and not neutered. However, if this is going to cost any health problems, it would definetly be worthwhile to get him neutered. I will defineltly look into the...
  6. Nicole_Lucky

    Weird, random spasms

    No he hasnt, which is why I'm suspecting a hormonal issue. I was told its wasnt necessary to get him neutered, and that mostly females will get cancer if not fixed.
  7. Nicole_Lucky

    Weird, random spasms

    Bit of an awkward situation, but I just noticed Lucky was almost-violently twitching, as if he heat? (like he's trying to hump someone thats not there..) On top of that, he licks...or does something to himself around his...genital area after the hump-attack...Am I...
  8. Nicole_Lucky

    Black stick thingy on skin :s

    Yes, that sounds very similar to Lucky's situation. And they are at about the same spot as well, only noticable when you move the fur around it. I noticed them about a year ago, and not until recently did I see them again. (maybe I just didn't notice them..i forgot about them...) If possible, it...
  9. Nicole_Lucky

    Black stick thingy on skin :s

    Yes, Lucky's are outside of the skin. It litterally looks like there is a black thorn there in with his fur, but not piercing the skin in any way. Flashy, if your buns get it too, maybe it's soemthing normal. It definetly is relieving knowing another bun has it without haing any issues with it...
  10. Nicole_Lucky

    Black stick thingy on skin :s

    Yes actually it JUST above the skin, at the root of the fur. Yet the skin doesnt seem irritated in any way. I actually noticed this before, but thought nothing of it, since he doesnt seem to mind it, as Gentle Giants had said with your bun. He's mostly an indoor bunny, and in the summer I let...
  11. Nicole_Lucky

    Black stick thingy on skin :s

    I thought about that, but the substance I found on him was embedded in his skin, as if it's a thorn.
  12. Nicole_Lucky

    Black stick thingy on skin :s

    Hiya I was scratching Lucky's ear, when I noticed a hard stem-like object jabbing out of his skin. At a closer look, it was a long black stick-thingy. I cut a part of it off, and he didnt seem to mind, so its not a part of him growing out. Sometimes he has random patches of hair that can easily...
  13. Nicole_Lucky

    Baking Powder?

    Thank you everyone for the awsome advice:) I will definetly be trying wood pellets soon! Thanks again:) Nikki
  14. Nicole_Lucky

    Baking Powder?

    Thanks everyone! Dawn, I was reading through thethread, and a lot of people said the wood pellets were made of pine. Ithought pine was really bad for a buns respiratory system and whatnot?Or is it ok because they got rid of all the bad stuff..?
  15. Nicole_Lucky

    Baking Powder?

    yes, the bedding i'm usuing now isn't veryabsorbant at all. what type of wood is it that you use? Apparently, iheard that pine and red cedar woods are very bad for a buns health..