Recent content by My Rabbit Sunshine

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  1. M

    Oh no

    I sent you a pm.
  2. M

    Oh no

  3. M


    aww! she is too cute!
  4. M

    Oh no

    I was playing with Sunshine, when I noticed white things in her poo.:X I actually saw them crawling around! Are they called tapeworm? How do I care for this? Thanks.
  5. M

    I rescued a bunny :)

    You are right. He is a little cutie!:bunnydance:
  6. M

    She's more than a rabbit, she's my best friend - and she has Pasturella

    OH NO! I am so sorry about this. I would have helped, but do not know about this stuff. I am so sorry. She was such a beautiful girl.
  7. M


    Get well soon little guy!:rose:
  8. M

    rabbit dying?

    Oh I am so sorry! I feel terrible for you.