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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. M

    Rabbit In My Backyard Question

    He's a wild rabbit who just likes to hang out in my back yard at night. When it was warmer out I would pull into the driveway and he would run from the front of the house to the back of the house. I guess he likes hanging out in the front yard during the day and the back yard at night. For the...
  2. M

    Rabbit In My Backyard Question

    Sorry for the delay in responding, my internet has been down for awhile but I'm back up. Thank you for all your responses. I saw my rabbit and for the first time since this summer his baby, who is not a baby anymore. What would you recommend that I leave in my backyard to feed him? Romaine...
  3. M

    Rabbit In My Backyard Question

    I used to have a lot of rabbits in my backyard until Hurricane Sandy hit and then they were gone. I presume they all drowned. This year I have one rabbit. This past summer I saw a baby in my front yard. My question is this: Almost every night I see my rabbit hanging out in my backyard. Often...