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  1. M

    humping behavior

    Thanks! In the future ill try to get him neuturd .... and its intresting what they do to discipline eachother and such .... ill need to post a picture of him soon gotta spread the cuteness haha
  2. M

    pumpkin is it safe

    Best not to give your bunns too much ... hears what I feed my dwarf lion head - shadow ... 1/2 cup dry pellets a good sized romain lettus leaf and a choped up piece of carrot I also give him a slice pf apple every 2-3 days and hees happy and healthy as can be :p
  3. M

    humping behavior

    No my perents don't want to pay the expenses and a local breeder says its stress full on the bunns ... I don't know if its true .. but wouldent want to put him through something that might cause him stress.... he's a beautiful grey dwarf lionhead ... <--- jus extra info :p
  4. M

    humping behavior

    Is their any way I can controll my bunny shadow from the nipping and circling / humping behavior? With out nudering him? ?? Its only happend a few times I pat his head and say no then put him back in his cage is this okay? Or any other way?