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  1. lunarbunny

    will not eat or move just sits and sleeps

    All right. I'll be keeping a close eye on her. Thank you to everyone for your help!
  2. lunarbunny

    will not eat or move just sits and sleeps

    I woke up this morning and check on Luna and it was like nothing ever happened. I've never been so happy to see a box full of poo! :P She also ate all of the hay I left in her cage and was as excited as ever to get out and run in her pen. I gave her a bit of cilantro which she practically...
  3. lunarbunny

    will not eat or move just sits and sleeps

    that's what i was thinking. yes, we are taking her tomorrow.
  4. lunarbunny

    will not eat or move just sits and sleeps

    i can't seem to get her to eat or drink anything (unless i feed her water via syringe). also, she has been trying to use her box all day but nothing is passing through. constipation maybe?
  5. lunarbunny

    will not eat or move just sits and sleeps

    Thank you for all the tips! Very helpful. I brought a small bowl of water with apple juice, but she was more interested in the cilantro. i gave her a few carrot shavings also. she ate a few leaves and then went back to her corner. i checked her mouth and didn't see anything abnormal though...
  6. lunarbunny

    will not eat or move just sits and sleeps

    This is my first post here and I wish it was on a more positive topic. :( I have an orange, female miniature Lop who is about 2.5 years old (not spayed). She is usually very energetic and loves her pellets and hay. Last night I let her run around my room for a few hours. I always pick up wires...