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  1. L

    Can I remove an abscess myself?

    Hi guys, Thanks for the replies. We ended up taking Logan to the vet, and it turned out not to be an abscess. We have to get lab work done to see what it is. I'm crossing my fingers.
  2. L

    Can I remove an abscess myself?

    Hello! I know that this is a bit gross, but has anyone removed an abscess before on their rabbit? My rabbit Logan has an abscess on his back. He's had one on his foot before, which was removed by a vet (this was about a year ago). Unfortunately, I do not have the money to send him to the...
  3. L

    Older Bunny Breathing

    Thank you Nancy, this makes me feel better.
  4. L

    Older Bunny Breathing

    Hello everyone! I have a seven year old American Fuzzy Lop named Logan. I have had him since he was about a year old. As he has started to age, I have noticed that he breathes heavily. Especially when I hold him, or move him when he's being held. I have noticed that his breathing...
  5. L

    The Economic Bunny

    Wood stove pellets work wonders! They're really inexpensive, and you don't have to use a lot, and don't need to change it as frequently as other litters. Purchasing hay at a local farm is also an option. If you have the room to store a bail of hay, purchasing in bulk helps.
  6. L

    Sweet Meadows Timothy Hay?

    No, I haven't called the company, but that sounds like a good idea. Thank you for your suggestion!
  7. L

    Sweet Meadows Timothy Hay?

    Has anyone every purchased Sweet Meadows Natural Timothy Hay? It's the only hay Logan seems to eat. However, I question whether or not it is really timothy hay. It's more stringy and thinner than normal timothy hay, and doesn't have any of the heads/seed pods that Timothy hay usually has...